EHRD 20-07-2024

ImageImageForum for all matters concerning Rotterdam airport (and control zone, including heliports).

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Scramble Addict
Scramble Addict
Posts: 1586
Joined: 30 Jul 2005, 16:45
Type of spotter: Civil, Bizjet/prop.
Location: Rotterdam (EHRD/RTM)

EHRD 20-07-2024

Post by EHRD88 »

xxxx-1015 C510 OO-MST
1000-1110 E55P CS-PHK NJE
xxxx-1225 CL60 CS-CLA NJE
1105-1230 HA4T OY-JJJ JNJ
1130-1330 LJ31 T7-TFC AXS (canc)
xxxx-1155 C680 PH-UZI
xxxx-1240 LJ40 OO-HRG
1255-1330 A320 D-ANDI LEAV (for CND)
1330-xxxx C56X D-CANG VJH
xxxx-1420 E55P CS-PHU NJE
1435-1510 A320 YL-LCT Smart Lynx (for TFL)
1820-xxxx C68A CS-LTO NJE
1920-xxxx E55P F-HIPE PEA
2120-2155 A320 D-ANDI LEAV (for CND)

(FR24/RTHA App) times local and as always subject to change :wink:
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