EHRD 17-03-2023

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EHRD 17-03-2023

Post by EHRD88 »

xxxx-0840 F900 PH-STB XRO
0050-1140 C510 OE-FZA GAC
xxxx-1100 B738 UR-SQM SQP
xxxx-1255 CRJ2 OY-CRJ CAT
1310-xxxx SW4 D-CCCC BIN
xxxx-1310 PC12 PH-SFG
1805-1930 CRJ2 OY-CRJ CAT
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Re: EHRD 17-03-2023

Post by Gietje »

Arr 0225 C510 OE-FZA GAC024L from LTN/EGGW
Dep 0700 F900 PH-STB XRO1189 to AMS/EHAM
Dep 1055 B738 UR-SQM SQP2104 to RZE/EPRZ
Dep 1100 C510 OE-FZA GAC556K to AMS/EHAM
Dep 1220 A139 G-SHDF
Dep 1250 PC12 PH-SFG to EGTC
Dep 1330 BN2T G-BJYT FRA32

0855 DA42 PH-KFC KLM7908 from GRQ/EHGG
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