... lt-rafale/
Serbia is about to give up Soviet fighters. Serbian President Mr. Aleksandar Vucic announced that servicing the MiG-29 had become impossible. The war in Ukraine between Ukraine and Russia practically prevents almost anything military from being bought from Russia.
Serbia is about to give up Soviet fighters
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- Scramble Die-Hard
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Re: Serbia is about to give up Soviet fighters
Apart from Bloomberg, no info about this. Serbain media did not have the same info. Lets see and wait a bit ... jsku-videoО куповини Рафала
Председник је казао да Србија преговара са Французима о куповини вишенаменских борбених авиона Рафал, као и да би то било највеће издвајање српског војног буџета, које би изнело и до три милијарде евра.
Одговарајући на питање новинара о могућој куповини авиона Рафал, Вучић је рекао:
- Ми преговарамо са Дасу авијејшн, разговарали смо и када сам био у Паризу - рекао је Вучић и потврдио да би та набавка, ако се договори, била најскупља инвестиција.
About the purchase of Rafale
The president said that Serbia is negotiating with the French on the purchase of multi-purpose Rafal fighter jets, and that this would be the largest allocation of the Serbian military budget, amounting to up to three billion euros.
Answering a journalist's question about the possible purchase of Rafal aircraft, Vučić said:
- We are negotiating with Dasu Aviation, we also talked when I was in Paris - said Vučić and confirmed that this procurement, if agreed upon, would be the most expensive investment.