NAS Oceana air show September 17th 2022

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NAS Oceana air show September 17th 2022

Post by eriktex »


MH-53E 163065 (HM-15)
C-2A 162159/46 VRC-40
E-2D 165649/AC-600 VAW-123
T-34C 162635 SFWSL
CH-47F 11-08413 5-159 AVN
FA-18F 166628/AC-100 VFA-32
FA-18E 169735/AB-222 VFA-211
FA-18E 165787/AJ-100 VFA-37
FA-18F 169647/AB-11 VFA-11
FA-18F 166890/AJ-200 VFA-213
FA-18E 169641/AB-300 VFA-34
T-6B 166087/E-087 TAW-5
T-38A 64-13176/FF 71 FTS marked "1 FW"

Yes... that was it... the complete static show! I guess they didn't waste any time on inviting participants...

Flightline south (next to the static):

If I counted well there were 17 FA-18's on this flightline. 16 were identified. Listing below as they were parked (more or less...):

FA-18E 165788/200 no markings
FA-18E 1657(84)/AD-01 VFA-106
FA-18E 16(5789)/AF-03 VFC-12
FA-18E 169113/AC-407 VFA-105
FA-18E 169123/AC-314 VFA-131
F-35C 169034/NJ-432 VFA-125
F-35C 168847/NJ-423 VFA-125
FA-18E 168470/AJ-407 VFA-
FA-18F 165887/AD-206 VFA-106
FA-18F 16..../7 Blue Angels
F-16C 94-0047/SW Demo c/s
F-16C 91-0369/SW yellow fintip
FA-18F 16(5917)/AD-205 VFA-106
FA-18F 166618/AC-103 VFA-32
FA-18E 16(8469)/AJ-405 VFA-87
FA-18F 166802/AJ-202 VFA-213
FA-18E 16(6778)/AJ-302 VFA-31
FA-18E 16.... VFC-12
FA-18E 166650/AC-200 VFA-83
FA-18E 166779/AJ-303 VFA-31

FA-18 16.... (I counted 17 Hornets so this is the one I didn't log)



MH-53E 164863/AN-431 HM-12
C-130J 2012 Elizabeth City
MH-60T 6018 Elizabeth City


MH-60S 168547/BR-40 HSC-?? SAR-ops


Far side - beyond previous Hornet platform:

C-130J (170000) Blue Angels / Fat Albert
plus several more FA-18's.


FA-18E codes 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 + FA-18F code 4 Blue Angels

Flightlines/parking spot north-east (not far from the car parks):

Loads of FA-18's were parked here, all closely together. The guy or gall who managed to read them all off deserves a free beer. This is what I made from it - impossible to list them in any logical order:

FA-18E 16..../AD-133
FA-18E 16..../(AF)-02 VFC-12
FA-18F 16..../AD-242
FA-18E 16..../AJ-113
FA-18(E) 16..../AB-312
FA-18 16..../..-203
FA-18 16..../..-311
FA-18E 16..../AC-203
FA-18E 16..../AC-202
FA-18F 16..../..-246
FA-18 16..../..-300 full mrks in red
FA-18 16..../..-310
FA-18F 16..../ -- no mrks
FA-18 16..../..-301
FA-18F 16..../..-250
FA-18F 16..../AD-222 VFA-106
FA-18 16..../AC-201
FA-18E 166775/AC-207 (VFA-83)
FA-18 16..../AC-201
FA-18E 16..../07 VFC-12
FA-18F 16..../..-300 full mrks in black
FA-18 16..../AC-222
FA-18 16..../..-105
FA-18 16..../..-407



All hangars were off limits, obviously packed with Hornets. Just a few FA-18's were logged while walking back to the car park:

16..../..-233 VFA-106


preserved at secondary gate:

F-14A 160401/AB-100

preserved in heritage park:

A-4E 151186/AF-00
KA-6D 151579/AA-501
A-7E 158662/AC-301
F-4A 148261/AB-200 as "152295"
F-8E 149150/NP-211
F-14D 164604/AG-100
FA-18A 162454/AC-301
F-11A 141864/1 BA c/s
FA-18F 166794/AC-300
FJ-3M 136008/O-210
F9F 123612/401

Any additions are more than welcome!!!

Interesting new feature from the security while entering the airfield: it was forbidden to bring... WATER!!!! All bottles of water had to be emptied... Sure, it was only 28 Celsius so why bring any water. You have to be a crazy European to think about water. Official reason for this: "there could be alcohol in that bottle, sir". Yeah, sure... After security you could refill your bottle with (warm...) tap water from a large tank. Or buy new cold bottles at the vending points (these guys probably sponsored the 'no water' policy :-) ). Only in America.
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Re: NAS Oceana air show September 17th 2022

Post by Adraf »

The Oceana Air Show logs still seem to be kind of a mess, still lots of brackets (=unconfirmed) and holes/questionmarks in my Hornet section as well.

KNTU 18.09.2022 0815-1630

C-2A 162159/46 VRC-40

C-130J 170000 FDS

E-2C 165649/AC-600 VAW-123

F-16CM 91-0369/SW 79th FS
F-16CM 94-0047/SW/spl 77th FS

F/A-18E 165534/1 FDS
F/A-18E 165539/5 FDS
F/A-18E 165540/2 FDS
F/A-18E 165665/6 FDS
F/A-18E 165667/3 FDS
F/A-18E 165781/AF-00 VFC-12
F/A-18E 165786/AF-02 VFC-12
F/A-18E 165789/AF-03 VFC-12
F/A-18E 166778/AJ-302 VFA-31
F/A-18E 165784/AD-01 VFA-106
F/A-18E 165787/AJ-100/CAG VFA-37
F/A-18E 165788/200 VFC-12
F/A-18E (165792)/AF-07 VFC-12
F/A-18E 165861/AD-103 VFA-106
F/A-18E 165871/AJ-104 VFA-37
F/A-18E (165896)AF-04 VFC-12
F/A-18E 165909/AD-113 VFA-106
F/A-18E 166423/AC-201 VFA-83
F/A-18E (166434)/AC-206 VFA-83
F/A-18E (166439)/AC-204 VFA-83
F/A-18E (166441)/AJ-313 VFA-31
F/A-18E 166448/AC-202 VFA-83
F/A-18E 166599/AC-203 VFA-83
F/A-18E 166601/AD-133 VFA-106
F/A-18E 166607/AD-110 VFA-106
F/A-18E 166650/AC-200/CAG VFA-83
F/A-18E (166675/AC-211) VFA-83
F/A-18E 166775/AC-207 VFA-83
F/A-18E 166779/AJ-303 VFA-31
F/A-18E 166781/AJ-305 VFA-31
F/A-18E (166819)/AC-205 VFA-83
F/A-18E (166833)/AB-403 VFA-81
F/A-18E 166834/AJ-105 VFA-37
F/A-18E 166836/AJ-106 VFA-37
F/A-18E 166837/AB-407 VFA-81
F/A-18E (166838)/AB-410 VFA-81
F/A-18E (166840)/AB-412 VFA-81
F/A-18E (166867)/AB-400 VFA-81
F/A-18E 168469/AJ-405 VFA-87
F/A-18E 168470/AJ-407 VFA-87
F/A-18E 168909/AC-300/CAG VFA-131
F/A-18E 168910/AJ-400/CAG VFA-87
F/A-18E 168911/AJ-401/CO VFA-87
F/A-18E 168912/AJ-402 VFA-87
F/A-18E (168914)/AB-207 VFA-211
F/A-18E (168918)/AC-301 VFA-131
F/A-18E (168919)/AC-302 VFA-131
F/A-18E 169113/AC-407 VFA-105
F/A-18E 169114/AC-303 VFA-131
F/A-18E 169120/AC-310 VFA-131
F/A-18E 169121/AC-311 VFA-131
F/A-18E 169122/AC-312 VFA-131
F/A-18E 169123/AC-314 VFA-131
F/A-18E (169397)/AJ-403 VFA-87
F/A-18E (169398)/AB-402 VFA-81
F/A-18E 169399/AC-400/CAG VFA-105
F/A-18E 169641/AB-300/CAG VFA-34
F/A-18E 169642/AB-302 VFA-34
F/A-18E 169643/AB-303 VFA-34
F/A-18E 169644/AB-304 VFA-34
F/A-18E 169735/AB-222 VFA-211
F/A-18E (169742)/AB-310 VFA-34
F/A-18E (169743)/AB-311 VFA-34
F/A-18E 169744/AB-312 VFA-34
F/A-18E /AD-132 VFA-106
F/A-18E /AB-202 VFA-211
F/A-18E /AJ-113 VFA-37
F/A-18E /A?-400 CAG BLACK

F/A-18F 165673/4 FDS
F/A-18F 165679/7 FDS
F/A-18F 165804/AD-222 VFA-106
F/A-18F (165806)/AD-220 VFA-106
F/A-18F (165876)/AD-242 VFA-106
F/A-18F 165887/AD-206/CAG VFA-106
F/A-18F (165894)/AD-246 VFA-106
F/A-18F 165917/AD-205 VFA-106
F/A-18F 166618/AC-103 VFA-32
F/A-18F 166628/AC-100/CAG VFA-32
F/A-18F 166633/AJ-212 VFA-213
F/A-18F (166453)/AD-264 VFA-106
F/A-18F 166620
F/A-18F (166660)/AD-233 VFA-106
F/A-18F 166665/AD-250 VFA-106
F/A-18F 166674/AD-234 VFA-106
F/A-18F 166802/AJ-202 VFA-213
F/A-18F (166805)/AB-100 VFA-11
F/A-18F 166815/AC-102 VFA-32
F/A-18F (166816)/AD-252 VFA-106
F/A-18F 166890/AJ-200/CAG VFA-213
F/A-18F (166978)/AB-101 VFA-11
F/A-18F (168490)/AB-103 VFA-11
F/A-18F 168888/AB-104 VFA-11
F/A-18F (168889/AB)-105 VFA-11
F/A-18F 168930/AB-110 VFA-11
F/A-18F 169647/AB-11/CAG VFA-11
F/A-18F (169649)/AB-113 VFA-11
F/A-18F /AD-248 VFA-106
F/A-18 /-107
F/A-18 /-???
F/A-18 /-437?
F/A-18 /A?-300
F/A-18 /A?-301
F/A-18 /A?-305
F/A-18 /A?-401
F/A-18 /A?-411
F/A-18 /AB-205
F/A-18 /AB-2??

F-35C 168847/NJ-423 VFA-125
F-35C 169034/NJ-432 VFA-125

CH-47F 11-08413 B/5-159th AVN

MH-53E 162516/AN-430 HM-12
MH-53E 163065/TB-11 HM-15

MH-60S 166308/BR-46 HSC-28
MH-60T 6004 Elizabeth City

T-6B 166087/E-087 TAW-5

T-34C 162635/35 SFWSL

T-38A 64-13176/FF/spl “1 FW” 71st FTS
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