JB Andrews Air & Space Expo 2022

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JB Andrews Air & Space Expo 2022

Post by Trabanti »

The following rotor- and aircraft were photographed here in the days preceding the airshow. These serials were taken from my pictures, of which I will share some after my return to NL.

I arrived from Martin State (where I took a 70 minute flight in a Cessna in the absence of A-10s flying..) on Tuesday September the 13th late in the afternoon, and immediately planes started arriving, which continued into the night. I only spent the days preceding the actual weekend here, partly on base, leaving on Friday afternoon during the Thunderbirds display. I missed a few things, naturally; for example a flyby in the weekend of a B-2 and 2 B-1's. But because the whole show except the T'birds is back-lit, I wasn't too worried about that.

I am not a number cruncher, so this list is far from complete. This is just what I gathered from a quick look at my photos. Preserved planes and most warbirds are excluded. I did see what looked like an IAI C-38 preserved behind the Gulfstream hangar, which I wasn't aware was on display here. The P-3 and other gate guards seem to be unchanged.

The show itself was somewhat disappointing: No glimpse into the future whatsoever (e.g. F-15EX, T-7A, E-7, E-11..), no classic jet at all (was hoping for the F-100F or an F-4, but not even a T-33 or F-86), a few cancellations (EC-130), no trace of anything Space-related besides a NASA stand in a hangar (despite the title of the event..), no "Electronic" planes apart from a Navy Hawkeye (no E-3, E-4 or E-8..) and the facilities for the press were limited.

Unfortunately runways 01L and 01R were in use, and thus provided a challenge. You are dealing with 3 approach paths as the helicopters are going for the western taxiway. There is no spot that I could find where all 3 approaches can be observed due to the distance between the runways, the hilly landscape, the clutter (cables everywhere!) and the residential and industrial areas where you easily attract too much unwanted attention. Also, obviously not everything was visible on ADS-B and also not everything goes to the "expected" runway (as in some local F-16s - rarely - go for the western runway while some of the VIP or cargo planes could, occasionally, take the eastern) and relocating is not as easy as for example Volkel..
Nevertheless, I was able to take some nice landing shots during Golden Hour there and also early morning (on base).

Some of the aircraft mentioned below are not airshow participants but regular traffic (like POTUS & FLOTUS, some local Vipers and the president of South Africa). I missed all departing traffic (mainly helicopters and a number of resident KC-135s, C-40s, C-32s and Gulfstreams that were relocated to free up ramp space). I also missed some incoming helicopters like VH-3s, VH-60s and another MV-22 (although that ain't a helicopter technically speaking!). Not all fiscal years are guaranteed, I need to check on a large screen back home.

86-330/DC F-16C "113 FS"
86-340/DC F-16C
86-369/DC F-16C
87-223/DC F-16C
87-308/DC F-16C
87-310/DC F-16C
87-312/DC F-16C
87-314/DC F-16C +2
86-044/DC F-16D spcl markings
/1 F-16C ADS
/2 F-16C ADS
-0362/3 F-16C ADS
/4 F-16C ADS
/5 F-16C ADS
/6 F-16C ADS
/- F-16D ADS
1× F-16C 79FS (completely clean, flew mixed formation sunset photoshoot Sept 15, landed afterwards with F-15E 87-199/SJ but not seen since)
60021 C-5M 9AS
40071 C-21A 458AS "Scott Field"
40125 C-21A 458AS "Scott Field"
28000 VC-25A
90003 C-32A "AF2"
90015 C-32A 1AS
90016 C-32A 1AS
90402 C-37A 99AS
60500 C-37B 99AS
10015 C-40B 1AS
10041 C-40B 1AS
90540 C-40B 1AS
96630 UH-1N 1HS
96633 UH-1N 1HS
96637 UH-1N 1HS
96655 UH-1N 1HS
96656 UH-1N 1HS
96657 UH-1N 1HS
96659 UH-1N 1HS
96661 UH-1N 1HS spcl c/s
96667 UH-1N 1HS
96669 UH-1N 1HS +2 in hangar
14492/FT HH-60W 41RQS
11-5727/FT HC-130J 71RQS
65852 AC-130J 1SOW
92-337/CB T-1A 48FTS
08-923/RA T-6A 559FTS
67-936/VN T-38A 25FTS
78-583/FT A-10C 74FS
80-226/FT A-10C 74FS
87-200/SJ F-15E blue
87-199/SJ F-15E red "333FGS"
09/177/FF F-22A
19-5452/HL F-35A
19-5453/HL F-35A
50034 KC-10A 305AMW
71512 KC-135 459ARW
91469 KC-135 459ARW
16059 KC-46A 97AMW
86-117/DY B-1B "7th BW/CC"
61-1021/BD B-52H 11BS
50107 C-17A 437AW
88190 C-17A 437AW
N30U VL-26B Comm. AF (55-4638)

84-24377 C-12U
00-01053 UC-35B US Army (hangar)
01609 DHC-8 US Army Golden Knights
12-08875 CH-47F MD NG
72212 UH-72 DC NG
O-24748 UH-60L DC NG
(06-?)57010 AH-64D "Mountain" badge

167868/HW-23 MH-60S
164109/651 E-2C VAW-120
155315/AX-315 C-130T VR-53
168689/00 MV-22B HMX-1
166767 UC-35D MAG-49 VMR-Det.

6527 MH-65 USCG Atlantic City (flying only)


Some pictures will follow in about a week (censored, as we were not allowed to photograph/share everything)..

Cheers, Bart
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Re: JB Andrews Air & Space Expo 2022

Post by Adraf »

Hi Bart. What day(s) does this log cover? Any information on this would be very welcome.
This is my log from Saturday.

KADW 17.09.2022 0700-1600

A-10C 78-0583/FT 74th FS
A-10C 80-0226/FT 74th FS

B-1B 85-0088/DY 9th BS
B-1B 86-0097/DY “9 BS” 9th BS
B-1B 86-0117/DY “7 BW” 7th BW

B-2A 82-1066/WM 13th BS

B-52H 61-0021/BD 93rd BS

C-5M 86-0021 436th AW

KC-10A 85-0034 305th AMW

C-17A 95-0107 437th AW
C-17A 08-8190 437th AW

VC-25A 82-8000 Presidential Flt

C-32A 09-0015 1st AS
C-32A 09-0016 1st AS

UC-35B 00-01053 USAPAT
UC-35D 166767 VMR-1

C-37B 06-0500 99th AS

C-40B 01-0041 1st AS

KC-46A 21-46059 97th AMW

AC-130J 16-5852 4th SOS
HC-130J 11-5727/FT 71st RQS

KC-130T 165315/AX-315 VR-53

KC-135R 57-1487 459th ARW

KC-135R 57-1512 459th ARW
KC-135R 59-1469 459th ARW

C-147A 15-01609 USAPT AVN

E-2C 164109/651 VAW-120

F-15E 87-0199/SJ/spl “333 FGS” 333rd FS
F-15E 87-0200/SJ 334th FS

F-16C 86-0330/DC/spl 121st FS
F-16C 86-0340/DC 121st FS
F-16C 87-0277/DC 121st FS
F-16C 87-0308/DC 121st FS
F-16C 87-0314/DC 121st FS
F-16CM 1 FDS
F-16CM 2 FDS
F-16CM 3 FDS
F-16CM 4 FDS
F-16CM 5 FDS
F-16CM 6 FDS
F-16D 86-0044/DC/spl 121st FS
F-16?M FDS

F-22A 09-4177/FF 1st FW

F-35A 18-5452/HL 34th FS
F-35A 18-5453/HL 4th FS

HH-1N 69-6659 1st HS
HH-1N 69-6661/spl 1st HS
HH-1N 71-58277 1st HS
UH-1N 69-6630 1st HS
UH-1N 69-6633 1st HS
UH-1N 69-6636 1st HS
UH-1N 69-6655 1st HS
UH-1N 69-6656 1st HS
UH-1N 69-6657 1st HS
UH-1N 69-6658 1st HS
UH-1N 69-6663 1st HS
UH-1N 69-6667 1st HS
UH-1N 69-6669 1st HS

VH-3D 159354 HMX-1

CH-47F 12-08875 B/3-126th AVN

HH-60W 19-14492/FT 41st RQS
MH-60S 167868/HW-23 HSC-26
UH-60L 85-24748 G/3-126th AVN
VH-60N 163260 HMX-1

AH-64D 05-07010 B/1-10th AVN

UH-72A 11-72212 A/1-224th AVN

T-1A 92-0337/CB 48th FTS

T-6A 08-3923/RA 559th FTS

T-38C 67-14936/VN/spl 25th FTS

MV-22B 168689/00 HMX-1
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Re: JB Andrews Air & Space Expo 2022

Post by Trabanti »

Hoi Adraf, all noted between the 13th (late afternoon) and 16th (around 3 pm).

Thunderbird 3 serial was on its ejection seat.

I saw the VH-3 arriving but was doing something else at that moment and it seems it was put on the static display only on Fiday evening or Saturday morning, like the VH-60. Nice addition!
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Re: JB Andrews Air & Space Expo 2022

Post by Adraf »

Alright. No other Thunderbirds identifications possible? And where and when exactly did you see 87-0310/DC?
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Re: JB Andrews Air & Space Expo 2022

Post by Trabanti »

310 flew I think both on Wednesday and Thursday. I have a picture of it diving to the runway, but not sure how to attach it here.

For the Thunderbirds: Like I said, I'm not a number cruncher, so i didn't really try, the serial of #3 just accidentally appeared on a photo.. :-)

Grt, Bart
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Re: JB Andrews Air & Space Expo 2022

Post by eriktex »

Just a little addition for those who visited on Sunday 18th:

These 4 F-16s were in the flying display: 86-0340/DC, 87-0310/DC, 86-0369/DC, 87-0314/DC

Two more DC F-16s were parked under the sheds on the far side. Suggestions anyone?

Other additions on the VIP-platform:C-32A 98-0001, C-37A 99-0402, C-37B 06-0500, 20-1941
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