EHRD 19-09-2022

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EHRD 19-09-2022

Post by Royaljordanian »


0830-0940 LJ40 OOHRG
0910-1000 C525 DITRA
1230-1310 EA50 2DEWS
1405-xxxx C680 DCAWX
1410-1510 C25A DIWPS
1600-1655 C56X DCSCB

All my posted timings are local !
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Re: EHRD 19-09-2022

Post by Gietje »

Arr 0840 LJ40 OO-HRG from EBKT
Arr 0910 C525 D-ITRA from EDRY
Dep 1000 LJ40 OO-HRG
Arr 1025 S22T N221TN from EKOD
Dep 1025 C525 D-ITRA
Arr 1030 SR22 N916ED from LFAV
Arr 1140 C25A D-IJOA ECA2XA from LIRQ
Dep 1145 S22T N221TN to LFAV
Arr 1220 EA50 2-DEWS from EKRK
Dep 1245 SW4 D-CNAC BID11A to EIDL
Dep 1320 A320 LY-GYM TFL190P to EYVI
Arr 1335 LJ45 CS-TFR OAV304P from LFPB
Arr 1350 C25A D-IWPS STQ222 from EDLW
Arr 1425 C56X PH-GHZ from EDXW
Dep 1505 C25A D-IWPS STQ222 to LFRG
Arr 1605 C56X D-CSCB SCR187 from LOWL
Arr 1650 C56X D-CSCB SCR187 to EDRY
Dep 1830 SR22 N916ED to EKOD
Arr 1905 E55P CS-PHO NJE972U from LSGG
Arr 2035 PA32 G-TAAT from LSZA
My photos at Flickr:
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