ETAD 09-08-2022

ImageThe forum for all movements and news about Spangdahlem Air Base.

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ImageMode S / SBS and radio logs, airfield specific, are allowed, but always state your source, mode S / SBS or air traffic conversations. These logs can be placed in the "day topic" so a separate Mode S / SBS radio log is not necessary
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Scramble Die-Hard
Scramble Die-Hard
Posts: 748
Joined: 01 May 2016, 19:30
Type of spotter: F3
Location: EHTW

ETAD 09-08-2022

Post by Tim123 »

Today’s log:

168765 EA18G 530/NL (Air Policing, dep 8.54 arr 15.34)
168936 EA18G 531/NL (Air Policing, dep 8.54 arr 15.34)
166946 EA18G 533/NL (Local, dep 12.34 arr 13.05)
168259 EA18G 534/NL (Local, dep 12.34 arr 13.05)
59-1515 KC135 BART20
90-0818 F16C 3x
90-0833 F16C 3x
91-0343 F16C 3x
91-0342 F16C 3x
91-0344 F16C 3x
91-0358 F16C 2x
91-0361 F16C 3x
91-0402 F16C 3x
91-0352 F16C
91-0472 F16D 2x
LX-N90451 E3A NATO40 (9 T&Gs)
06-6164 C17A RCH301
06-6165 C17A RCH238
165378/JW C130T CNV6709

Noted on ramp but didn’t fly:
61-0267 KC135
62-3541 KC135
59-1448 KC135
59-1476 KC135
62-3502 KC135
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