EGWU 08.07.2022 CIV

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Le Addeur noir
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EGWU 08.07.2022 CIV

Post by Le Addeur noir »

NHT Friday 08th July visitors,

9H-AXO CL-604 VistaJet Malta Ltd VJT592 arr 14:29 from LPCS dep 16:13 to EKRK
9H-VJI Global 6000 VistaJet Malta Ltd VJT813 arr 11:20 from EGLF dep 13:08 to KBGR
9H-VJV Global 6000 VistaJet Malta Ltd VJT957 arr 10:00 from EGKB dep 11:42 to LEMD
CS-CHF CL-350 NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE160F/876H arr 12:02 from LFRT dep 13:45 to LFTH
CS-CHI CL-350 NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE828E/282E arr 09:11 from LIPR dep 10:54 to EDDF
CS-CHJ CL-350 NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE556G arr 10:02 from LEMD dep 12:50 to LXGB
CS-DXR Cessna 560XLS+ NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE217G/217G arr 16:20 from EDDC dep 19th/08:54 to LFMN
CS-GLI Global 6000 NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE688G/799F arr 08:09 from EGPF dep 11:15 to LFRK
CS-GLJ Global 6000 NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE918P/889B arr 12:31 from LDZD dep 11:33 to LIRN
CS-LTH Cessna 680A NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE776M/448C arr 19:48 from EGMK dep 09th/10:57 to LFMN
CS-REU Global 6000 Executive Jet Management Europe JME512U arr 15:18 from EGTK dep 09th/10:04 to LDDU
D-CDCM Cessna 560XLS+ Air Hamburg Luftverkehrs GmbH AHO315E/498V arr 09:55 from LIEO dep 10:57 to EHAM
D-COZY EMB-505 PAD Aviation Service PVD64N/68Y arr 13:49 from EDLW dep 16:43 to EIDW
D-IWIR Cessna 525A Excellent Air GmbH ECA2WR arr 15:38 from LEIB dep 09th/08:59 to EGKB
F-GLNH Beech 1900D Twin Jet ITI051P arr 15:53 from LFPB
M-DMBP Lear Jet 40XR Ven Air arr 18:57 from EIDW dep 19:28 to EIDW
OK-JRS Cessna 680+ Smartwings TVS27J/28J arr 11:28 from LKPR dep 12:43 to ESGG
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Act single

and the Emir called up his jet fighters
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