EGWU 23.06.2022 CIV

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Le Addeur noir
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EGWU 23.06.2022 CIV

Post by Le Addeur noir »

NHT Thursday 23rd June visitors,

2-EMBR EMB-505 Ortac Ltd arr 11:58 from EGCC dep 15:50 to EGCC
9H-KFX EMB-550 Flexjets Operations Malta FJO65K arr 15:37 from EGPN dep 19:38 to LFPB
9H-VFA CL-605 VistaJet Malta Ltd VJT503 arr 12:24 from LIEO dep 13:49 to EHBK
CS-CHA CL-350 NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE052K/964B arr 09:01 from EGLC dep 10:58 to EKCH
CS-DLC Falcon 2000EX NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE798Y/441B arr 10:37 from EHBK dep 12:35 to LFTH
CS-LTP Cessna 680A NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE941K/323Y arr 09:25 from EGGP dep 11:19 to LSZH
D-AEOT ERJ-135BJ Air Hamburg Luftverkehrs GmbH AHO538D arr 14:05 from LEMD dep 15:12 to LEPA
D-IRAS Hondajet HA-420 Rheinland Air Service arr 08:39 from EDLN dep 11:05 to ENGM
EC-NOC Global 6500 Gestair Executive Jet GES061C arr 13:22 from EIDW dep 16:00 to LEMD
LN-AWC Lear Jet 45 Airwing A/S NWG415 arr 11:03 from EHAM dep 17:39 to EHAM
LX-PCD Pilatus PC-24 JetFly Aviation SA JFA10E/32G arr 16:39 from LSZH dep 24th/13:26 to LFTH
LX-SAB Falcon 900DX Global Jet Luxembourg SVW56AB arr 17:29 from LFML dep 24th/09:40 to LGAV
N542AP G500 AMS Ltd arr 17:20 from EGJJ dep 19:21 to EGJJ
N630QS Cessna 680A NetJets Inc. arr 17:25 from LFPB dep 20:00 to LFMN
N690QS Cessna 680A NetJets Inc. arr 10:00 from EGLF dep 11:32 to EKRK
OE-FNP Cessna 510 GlobeAir AG GAC335P/224Q arr 14:26 from EHAM dep 16:03 to EBBR
Drink treble
See double
Act single

and the Emir called up his jet fighters
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