NHT Friday 17th June visitors,
9H-VCG CL-350 VistaJet Malta Ltd VJT480 arr 15:07 from LPFR dep 16:04 to EDDB
9H-VCL CL-350 VistaJet Malta Ltd VJT418 arr 14:09 from EGGW dep 15:40 to LFBZ
9H-ZFX EMB-550 Flexjets Operations Malta FJO51Z arr 17:03 from LFSB dep 18:06 to EIDW
CS-CHC CL-350 NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE564N arr 12:26 from EHRD dep 14:12 to LIML
CS-GLJ Global 6000 NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE123E arr 14:29 from EDDB dep 15:27 to ESSB
CS-LTG Cessna 680A NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE632A/503R arr 12:57 from EGCC dep 14:04 to LSZH
CS-LTJ Cessna 680A NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE776A arr 15:03 from EGLF dep 18:02 to LFMN
CS-LTQ Cessna 680A NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE548G/661W arr 15:55 from EGNM dep 18th/08:35 to LFML
CS-LTS Cessna 680A NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE548G/650Q arr 16:16 from LFMD dep 16:16 to LFMD
CS-PHQ EMB-505 NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE919K arr 08:48 from EGSS dep 10:41 to LSGS
D-CHJD EMB-505 arr 12:52 from EDRZ dep 13:56 to EDRZ
EC-KRN G200 Jet Management Europe JME210N arr 12:10 from LEMG dep 13:40 to EHAM
LX-JFG Pilatus PC-24 JetFly Aviation SA JFA66T/17T arr 09:11 from LFLU dep 10:01 to LEMD
LX-PCB Pilatus PC-24 JetFly Aviation SA JFA38Z arr 18:58 from LSGG dep 18th/08:28 to LEGE
LX-PCD Pilatus PC-24 JetFly Aviation SA JFA39P/45K arr 15:21 from ELLX dep 18th/09:09 to EGLC
LX-PCF Pilatus PC-24 JetFly Aviation SA JFA62D/05E arr 12:00 from EDDB dep 14:44 to LFPB
N2702 G650ER arr 11:11 from LFSB dep 17:26 to LEIB
N442LF Global 6000 TWY442 arr 09:56 from KHPN dep 18th/13:14 to EGNT
OE-FHK Cessna 510 GlobeAir AG GAC342A/320M arr 18:20 from LSGG dep 19th/13:08 to EIDW
OE-GYS Cessna 525B Avcon Jet AOJ41S arr 11:38 from LEIB dep 15:36 to LIEE
EGWU 17.06.2022 CIV
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- Le Addeur noir
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- Posts: 66130
- Joined: 19 Jan 2007, 16:22
- Subscriber Scramble: Nee
- Location: Asie
EGWU 17.06.2022 CIV
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and the Emir called up his jet fighters
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and the Emir called up his jet fighters