ETAD 17-05-2022

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Scramble Senior
Scramble Senior
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ETAD 17-05-2022

Post by Worldnis »

Small backlog of our one day visit to Spangdahlem. Morning started dull-grey, with sun coming out later, good lighting until sundown. Although t/o & landing from 05 was expected, it was 23 all day, with no noticeable wind. So afternoon piccies taken under/near the approach lights ready to be scrubbed :|

In order of play:
C-5M 85-0002 9 AS dep
F-16CM 90-0829 SP 480 FS
F-16CM 91-0402 SP 480 FS
F-16CM 91-0361 SP 480 FS
F-16CM 90-0828 SP 480 FS
F-16DM 91-0481 SP 480 FS
F-16CM 91-0360 SP 480 FS
F-16CM 91-0403 SP 480 FS
F-16CM 92-0918 SP 480 FS
C-17A 09-9209 62 AW dep
F-35A 17-5265 VT 134 FS dep 10:30 - arr 16:10
F-35A 17-5278 VT 134 FS dep 10:32 - arr 16:11
F-35A 18-5360 VT 134 FS dep 12:01 - arr 18:06
F-35A 17-5243 HL 4FS dep 12:02 - arr 18:07
F-16CM 90-0813 SP 480 FS afternoon only
F-16CM 96-0080 SP 480 FS afternoon only
EA-18 NIL :cry:

A total of 10 local F-16s was noted, four more did an early morning mission. The local afternoon mission was with 8 F-16s, with two additional numbers noted. Some F-16s were nicely tooled up with four missiles, two wing tanks and Sniper and Lantirn and AN/ALQ-131 on the centreline.

A KC-10 runned for a few hours during the afternoon and eventually took off around 19:00 LT. Documented as 79-1712 in the "Nacho's anyone" topic. After some topping up on kebab we started our drive home, and seeing two F-35A's taking off around 19:30.

No issues with police and parking/'Anlieger frei'/ Landwirtschaftlichem verkehr fortunately.

Worldnis (+ 1 more KARO Aviation companion)
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