Ramstein AB movements January 2022
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C-5M 85-0007 9th AS RCH827 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 98-0057 137th AS NY ANG RCH800 arr from Andrews AFB
C-17A 01-0189 155th AS TN ANG RCH835 arr from Kuwait Int
C-17A 01-0189 155th AS TN ANG RCH835 dep to McGuire AFB
C-17A 04-4132 6th AS RCH833 dep to Al Udeid
C-17A 06-6162 21st AS RCH806 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 08-8201 62nd AW RCH818 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 09-9208 437th AW RCH888 arr from Al Udeid
C-5M 85-0007 9th AS RCH827 dep to Dover AFB
C-17A 03-3119 183rd AS MS ANG RCH941 arr from Souda Bay
C-17A 03-3119 183rd AS MS ANG RCH941 dep to Dover AFB
C-17A 06-6162 21st RCH806 dep to Dover AFB
C-17A 06-6166 3rd AS RCH865 dep to Dover AFB
C-17A 07-7174 3rd RCH899 arr from Dover AFB
C-17A 07-7174 3rd RCH899 dep to Al Udeid
C-17A 07-7187 437th AW RCH811 arr from Agades
C-17A 08-8201 62nd AW RCH818 dep to Dover AFB
C-17A 09-9208 437th AW RCH223 dep to Djibouti
B747 N473MC GTI8662 Atlas Air arr from McGuire AFB
TBM700 103/XI ET00.060 CTM3813 arr from Villacoubly
E-8C 01-2005/GA 128th ACCS GA ANG Redeye6 dep for local mission
E-8C 01-2005/GA 128th ACCS GA ANG Redeye6 arr from local mission
C-17A 98-0057 137th AS NY ANG RCH880 dep to Al Udeid
C-17A 00-0183 156th AS NC ANG RCH920 dep to Pease AFB
C-17A 07-7187 437th AW RCH811 dep to Al Udeid
B777 N819AX CMB118 Omni Air Int arr from Baltimore
B777 N819AX CMB118 Omni Air Int dep to Incirlik AFB
BAE146 ZE708 32(TR)sq RRR1513 arr from Northolt
BAE146 ZE708 32(TR)sq RRR1513 dep to Kiev
BAE146 ZE708 32(TR)sq RRR1513 arr from Kiev
TBM700 103/XI ET00.060 CTM3813 dep to Villacoubly
TBM700 103/XI ET00.060 CTM3813 arr from Villacoubly
TBM700 103/XI ET00.060 CTM3813 dep to Villacoubly
C-17A 97-0041 437th AW RCH825 arr from Pease AFB
C-17A 98-0057 137th AS NY ANG RCH880 arr from Al Udeid
B767 N225AX CMB531 Omni Air Int arr from Hunter AAF
B777 N819AX CMB118 Omni Air Int arr from Incirlik AFB
B777 N819AX CMB118 Omni Air Int dep to Baltimore
BAE146 ZE708 32(TR)sq RRR1513 dep to Northolt
F-16CM 91-0412/SP 480th FS ..... arr from Spangdahlem AFB
F-16CM 91-0412/SP 480th FS ..... dep to Spangdahlem AFB
F-16CM 91-0418/SP 480th FS ..... arr from Spangdahlem AFB
F-16CM 91-0418/SP 480th FS ..... dep to Spangdahlem AFB
E-8C 01-2005/GA 128th ACCS GA ANG Redeye6 dep for local mission
E-8C 01-2005/GA 128th ACCS GA ANG Redeye6 arr from local mission
C-17A 97-0041 437th AW RCH825 dep to Ali Al Salem
C-17A 98-0057 137th AS NY ANG RCH560 dep to Agades
C-17A 98-0057 137th AS NY ANG RCH560 arr from Agades
C-17A 02-1098 6th AS RCH222 arr from Bangor
B747 N473MC GTI8059 Atlas Air dep to Seoul
B767 N645GT GTI8038 Atlas Air arr from Baltimore
B767 N645GT CMB119 Atlas Air dep to Sofia
B767 N225AX CMB531 Omni Air Int dep to Fort Worth
F-16CM 90-0829/SP 480th FS …… low app
F-16CM 91-0417/SP 480th FS …… low app
C-130H 93-1037 700th AS RCH301 arr from Belfast
C-17A 90-0535 89th AS LRCH565 arr from McGuire AFB
C-17A 07-7174 3rd AS RCH899 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 08-8196 62nd AW RCH846 arr from
C-17A 09-9208 437th AW RCH223 arr from McChord AFB
B767 N645GT CMB119 Atlas Air arr from Sofia
B767 N645GT GTI8039 Atlas Air dep to Baltimore
C-17A 90-0535 89th AS RCH565 dep to Agades
C-17A 02-1098 6th AS Bandage 20 dep to Al Udeid
C-17A 07-7174 3rd AS RCH899 dep to Dover AFB
C-17A 07-7184 437th AW RCH152 arr from Nuremberg
C-17A 08-8196 62nd AW RCH291 dep to Linz
C-17A 08-8203 62nd AW RCH846 dep to Bangor
B747 N498MC GTI526 Atlas Air arr from Zaragoza
C-5M 85-0001 9th AS RCH840 arr from Forbes Field
C-17A 02-1098 6th AS Bandage 20 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 02-1098 6th AS RCH338 dep to Rota
C-17A 02-1098 6th AS RCH338 arr from Rota
C-17A 02-1098 6th AS RCH338 dep to McGuire AFB
C-17A 02-1100 155th AS TN ANG RCH802 arr from Dover AFB
C-17A 03-3123 167th AS WV ANG RCH613 arr from Campbell AAF
B747 N498MC GTI8311 Atlas Air dep to McGuire AFB
C-17A 90-0535 89th AS RCH565 arr from Rota
C-17A 90-0535 89th AS RCH565 dep to McGuire AFB
C-17A 00-0177 137th AS NY ANG RCH828 arr from McGuire AFB
C-17A 02-1100 155th AS TN ANG RCH802 dep to Kuwait Int
C-17A 02-1108 62nd AW RCH857 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 07-7169 3rd AS RCH814 arr from Al Udeid
B747 N498MC GTI8310 Atlas Air arr from McGuire AFB
C-17A 02 SAC Bartok 51 arr from Papa
C-17A 02 SAC Bartok 51 dep to Aviano AFB
C-17A 96-0005 137th AS NY ANG RCH817 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 98-0057 137th AS NY ANG RCH826 dep to Stewart AFB
C-17A 00-0177 137th AS NY ANG RCH828 dep to Djibouti
C-17A 02-1100 155th AS TN ANG RCH802 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 02-1108 62nd AW RCH857 dep to Bangor
C-17A 03-3126 6th AS RCH615 arr from Erbil
C-17A 07-7169 3rd AS RCH814 dep to Dover AFB
C-17A 08-8196 62nd AW RCH291 arr from Bamako
B747 N498MC GTI561 Atlas Air dep to Almaty
B757 N751CX ATN319 ATI arr from Pease AFB
B757 N751CX CMB319 ATI dep to Incirlik AFB
C-17A 02 SAC BARTOK 50 arr from Incirlik AFB
C-130H 93-1037 700th AS Herky 180 dep to Sigonella
KC-130J 165810/BH-810 VMGR-252 BRONCO 55 arr from Aviano AFB
KC-130J 165810/BH-810 VMGR-252 BRONCO 55 dep to Nuremburg
KC-130J 165810/BH-810 VMGR-252 BRONCO 55 arr from Nuremburg
C-5M 85-0001 9th AS RCH840 dep to Al Dhafra
C-17A 96-0005 137th AS NY ANG RCH817 dep to Dover AFB
C-17A 00-0184 758th AS RCH801 arr from McGuire AFB
C-17A 02-1100 155th AS TN ANG RCH802 dep to Dover AFB
C-17A 03-3123 167th AS WV ANG RCH613 dep to Al Asad
C-17A 03-3126 6th AS RCH615 dep to Bangor
C-17A 04-4131 6th AS RCH363 arr from MCAS Cherry Point
B757 N751CX CMB320 ATI arr from Incirlik AFB
B757 N751CX ATN320 ATI dep to Baltimore
KC-130J 165810/BH-810 VMGR-252 BRONCO 55 dep to Nuremburg
KC-130J 165810/BH-810 VMGR-252 BRONCO 55 arr from Nuremburg
E-8C 01-2005/GA 128th ACCS GA ANG Redeye6 dep for local mission
E-8C 01-2005/GA 128th ACCS GA ANG Redeye6 arr from local mission
C-5M 85-0001 9th AS RCH840 arr from Al Dhafra
C-17A 00-0177 137th AS NY ANG RCH828 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 00-0184 758th AS RCH801 dep to Al Udeid
C-17A 00-0184 758th AS RCH801 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 01-0193 437th AW RCH239 arr from Bangor
C-17A 01-0193 437th AW RCH239 dep but returned back
C-17A 01-0193 437th AW RCH239 arr back after depart
C-17A 03-3123 167th AS WV ANG RCH613 arr from Al Asad
C-17A 04-4131 6th AS RCH363 dep to Trondheim
B747 N481MC GTI8088 Atlas Air arr from Baltimore
B767 N640GT CMB535 Atlas Air arr from Prince Hassan AB
B767 N640GT GTI8885 Atlas Air dep to Pease AFB
B777 N2251U UA2577 United Airlines arr from Al Udeid
B777 N2251U UA2578 United Airlines dep to Baltimore
MD-11F N623FE FX9712 FedEx arr from McGuire AFB
C-17A 02 SAC BARTOK 50 dep to but returned back
C-17A 02 SAC BARTOK 50 arr back after take off
C-130H 93-1037 700th AS Herky 180 arr from Sigonella
KC-130J 165810/BH-810 VMGR-252 BRONCO 55 dep to Aviano AFB
KC-130J 165810/BH-810 VMGR-252 BRONCO 55 arr from Aviano AFB
C-5M 85-0001 9th AS RCH840 dep to Dover AFB
C-17A 98-0057 137th AS NY ANG RCH805 arr from McGuire AFB
C-17A 99-0169 437th AW RCH830 arr from NAS Norfolk
C-17A 99-0169 437th AW RCH830 dep to Djibouti
C-17A 00-0177 137th AS NY ANG RCH812 dep to Al Udeid
C-17A 00-0177 137th AS NY ANG RCH812 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 00-0184 758th AS RCH801 dep to Dover AFB
C-17A 01-0193 437th AW RCH239 dep to Al Asad
C-17A 03-3126 6th AS RCH165 arr from McGuire AFB
C-17A 04-4130 6th AS RCH141 arr from Campbell AAF
C-17A 04-4137 6th AS RCH101 arr from RAF Mildenhall
C-17A 05-5140 729th AS RCH306 arr from Campbell AAF
C-17A 07-7175 3rd AS Bandage 35 arr from Al Asad
B767 N645GT GTI8038 Atlas Air arr from Baltimore
B767 N645GT CMB119 Atlas Air dep to Sofia
MD-11F N622FE FX9798 FedEx dep to Memphis Int
A400M ZM411 24/70Sq RRR4983 arr from Brize Norton
A400M ZM411 24/70Sq RRR4983 dep to Brize Norton
C-17A 02 SAC BARTOK 50 dep to Niamey
KC-130J 165810/BH-810 VMGR-252 BRONCO 55 dep to Rota
E-8C 01-2005/GA 128th ACCS GA ANG Redeye6 dep for local mission
E-8C 01-2005/GA 128th ACCS GA ANG Redeye6 arr from local mission
C-17A 99-0169 437th AW RCH830 arr from Djibouti
C-17A 99-0169 437th AW RCH830 dep to NAS Norfolk
C-17A 00-0177 137th AS NY ANG RCH812 dep to Andrews AFB
C-17A 03-3126 6th RCH165 dep RAF Mildenhall
C-17A 07-7175 3rd AS RCH860 dep to Al Udeid
C-17A 10-0215 437th AW RCH1815 arr from Fairford
C-17A 10-0216 62nd AW RCH262 arr from Rota
B747 N481MC CMB118 Atlas Air dep to Kuwait Int
B767 N645GT CMB119 Atlas Air arr from Sofia
B767 N645GT GTI8039 Atlas Air dep to Baltimore
BAE146 ZE707 32 (R) Sq RRR1515 arr from Northolt
BAE146 ZE707 32 (R) Sq RRR1515 dep to Kiev
BAE146 ZE707 32 (R) Sq RRR1515 arr from Kiev
C-130H 93-1037 700th AS Herky 726 dep to Warsaw
C-17A 98-0057 137th AS NY ANG RCH811 dep to Ali Al Salem
C-17A 98-0057 137th AS NY ANG RCH811 arr from Prince Sultan AB
C-17A 01-0193 437th AW RCH239 arr from Incirlik AFB
C-17A 01-0193 437th AW RCH239 dep to Bangor
C-17A 04-4137 6th AS RCH101 dep to Dover AFB
C-17A 05-5140 729th AS RCH316 dep to Al Asad
C-17A 10-0215 437th AW RCH1815 dep to Vilnius Int
C-17A 10-0216 62nd AW RCH613 dep to Dover AFB
B747 N481MC CMB118 Atlas Air arr from Kuwait Int
B747 N481MC GTI8089 Atlas Air dep to Baltimore
BAE146 ZE707 32 (R) Sq RRR1515 dep to Northolt
C-130H 93-1037 700th AS Herky 726 arr from Warsaw
C-17A 96-0005 137th AS NY ANG RCH891 arr from Bangor
C-17A 96-0005 137th AS NY ANG RCH891 dep to Al Udeid
C-17A 05-5140 729th AS RCH316 arr from Bashur
C-17A 96-0002 437th AW RCH540 arr from McGuire AFB
C-17A 96-0005 137th AS NY ANG RCH891 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 05-5140 729th AS RCH316 dep to Bangor
A400 54+36 LTG62 GAF437 arr from Hamburg
A400 54+36 LTG62 GAF437 dep to Wunsdorf
E-8C 01-2005/GA 128th ACCS GA ANG Redeye6 dep for local mission
E-8C 01-2005/GA 128th ACCS GA ANG Redeye6 arr from local mission
C-17A 96-0002 437th AW RCH540 dep to RAF Mildenhall
C-17A 96-0005 137th AS NY ANG RCH891 dep to Dover AFB
C-17A 98-0057 137th AS NY ANG RCH805 dep to Prince Sultan
C-17A 98-0057 137th AS NY ANG Bandage44 arr from Baghdad
C-17A 04-4131 6th AS RCH696 arr from Bangor
C-17A 04-4131 6th AS RCH696 dep to Al Asad
B747 N482MC GTI8088 Atlas Air arr from Baltimore
B747 N482MC CMB118 Atlas Air dep to Incirlik AFB
C-26D 900530 Sigonella AOD CNV6319 arr from Naples
C-5M 84-0061 9th AS RCH804 arr from Dover AFB
C-17A 04-4130 6th AS RCH141 dep to Al Asad
C-17A 04-4131 6th AS RCH696 arr from Erbil
C-17A 04-4131 6th AS RCH696 dep to Bangor
C-17A 04-4134 6th AS RCH455 arr from McGuire AFB
C-17A 08-8196 62nd AW RCH655 dep to Niamey
B747 N344KD CMB186 Western Global arr from RAF Mildenhall
B767 N640GT CMB521 Atlas Air arr from Sofia
B767 N640GT GTI8891 Atlas Air dep to Pease AFB
B767 N645GT GTI8038 Atlas Air arr from Baltimore
B767 N645GT CMB119 Atlas Air dep to Sofia
TBM700 131/XQ ET01.041 CTM3820 arr from Villacoubly
TBM700 131/XQ ET01.041 CTM3820 dep to Villacoubly
C-26D 900530 Sigonella AOD CNV6319 dep to Naples
F-16CM ...../SP 480th FS Roque 01 low app
F-16CM ...../SP 480th FS Roque 02 low app
C-37B 11-0550 99th AS SAM182 arr from Shaw AFB
C-17A 98-0057 137th AS NY ANG RCH810 dep to Andrews AFB
C-17A 00-0177 137th AS NY ANG RCH803 arr from Andrews AFB
C-17A 03-3123 167th AS WV ANG RCH135 dep to Dover AFB
C-17A 04-4130 6th AS RCH141 arr from Bashur
C-17A 04-4134 6th AS RCH455 dep to Niamey
B747 N344KD WGN8186 Western Global dep to Seoul
B747 N472MC GTI8311 Atlas Air dep to McGuire AFB
B747 N481MC CMB118 Atlas Air arr from Incirlik AFB
B747 N481MC GTI8089 Atlas Air dep to Baltimore
B767 N645GT CMB119 Atlas Air arr from Sofia
B767 N645GT GTI8039 Atlas Air dep to Baltimore
TBM700 131/XQ ET01.041 CTM3821 arr from Villacoubly
TBM700 131/XQ ET01.041 CTM3821 dep to Tarbes
C-37B 11-0550 99th AS SAM182 dep to Dubai Int
C-17A 00-0177 137th AS NY ANG RCH803 dep to Al Udeid
C-17A 02-1098 6th AS RCH175 arr from Rota
C-17A 02-1098 6th AS RCH798 dep to McGuire AFB
C-17A 04-4130 6th AS RCH141 dep to Campbell AAF
C-17A 04-4134 6th AS RCH455 arr from Agades
C-17A 08-8192 62nd AW RCH809 arr from Pope AFB
A400M ZM417 24/70Sq RRR4944 arr from Brize Norton
A400M ZM417 24/70Sq RRR4944 dep to Akroteri
C-5M 84-0061 9th AS RCH804 dep to Kuwait Int
C-17A 00-0177 137th AS NY ANG RCH803 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 01-0189 155th AS TN ANG RCH850 arr from Dover AFB
C-17A 03-3119 183rd AS MS ANG RCH864 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 04-4134 6th AS RCH455 dep to McGuire AFB
C-17A 08-8192 62nd AW RCH809 dep to Kuwait Int
Let410 2901 46. Kridlo Kuchyna SQF104 arr from Malacky
Let410 2901 46. Kridlo Kuchyna SQF104 dep to Malacky
C-130H 93-1037 700th AS RCH301 dep to Belfast
C-17A 00-0177 137th AS NY ANG E10E2 dep to Niamey
C-17A 01-0189 155th AS TN ANG RCH850 dep to Kuwait Int
C-17A 03-3119 183rd AS MS ANG RCH864 dep to Dover AFB
C-17A 08-8192 62nd AW RCH560 arr from Erbil
C-17A 08-8192 62nd AW RCH560 dep to Bangor
B747 N471MC CMB131 Atlas Air arr from Kuwait Int
Gulfstream III N183PA GRB510 Phoenix Air arr from Stuttgart
C295 012 8.BLTr PLF043 arr from Warsaw
C295 012 8.BLTr PLF043 dep to Warsaw
KC-135R 58-0100/D 351st ARS Quid13 arr from RAF Mildenhall
C-17A 00-0177 137th AS NY ANG E10E2 arr from Niamey
C-17A 01-0189 155th AS TN ANG RCH850 arr from Al Udeid
B747 N471MC GTI8317 Atlas Air dep to Dover AFB
B747 N482MC GTI8088 Atlas Air arr from Baltimore
B747 N482MC CMB118 Atlas Air dep to Kuwait Int
B757 N751CX ATN319 ATI arr from Pease AFB
B757 N751CX CMB319 ATI dep to Incirlik AFB
B777 N2331U UA2577 United Airlines arr from
B777 N2331U UA2578 United Airlines dep Baltimore
CL600 D-AFAB IFA1031 FAI Rent A Jet arr from Nuremburg
CL600 D-AFAB IFA1031 FAI Rent A Jet flight to Shannon
Gulfstream III N183PA GRB510 Phoenix Air dep to Souda Bay
E-8C 95-0121/GA 128th ACCS GA ANG Peach 61 arr from Bangor
KC-135R 58-0100/D 351st ARS Quid13 dep to Lajes
C-17A 00-0177 137th AS NY ANG RCH890 dep to Al Asad
C-17A 01-0186 3rd AS RCH483 arr from Andrews AFB
C-17A 01-0186 3rd AS RCH483 dep to Incirlik AFB
C-17A 01-0189 155th AS TN ANG RCH850 dep to Dover AFB
C-17A 01-0191 3rd AS RCH887 arr from Dover AFB
B747 N482MC CMB118 Atlas Air arr from Kuwait Int
B757 N751CX CMB320 ATI arr from Incirlik AFB
B757 N751CX ATN320 ATI dep to Pease AFB
B767 N312AA ABX2270 ABX Air arr from RAF Mildenhall
KC-46A 17-46025 22nd ARW RCH177 arr from McGuire AFB
KC-135R 58-0100/D 351st ARS Quid13 arr from Lajes
C-17A 00-0177 137th AS NY ANG RCH890 arr from Al Asad
C-17A 01-0191 3rd AS RCH887 dep to Al Udeid
B747 N482MC GTI8089 Atlas Air dep to Baltimore
B767 N664GT GTI8038 Atlas Air arr from Baltimore
B767 N664GT CMB119 Atlas Air dep to Sofia
B767 N641GT CMB529 Atlas Air arr from Kuwait Int
B767 N641GT GTI8929 Atlas Air dep to Shannon
B777 N2331U UA2575 United Airlines arr from Al Udeid
B777 N2331U UA2576 United Airlines dep to Baltimore
MD-11F N584FE CMB182 FedEx arr from McGuire AFB
M28B/PT 0225 8.BLTr PLF112 arr Warsaw
C-17A 02 SAC BARTOK51 arr from Papa
C-17A 02 SAC BARTOK51 dep to Sigonella
KC-135R 58-0100/D 351st ARS Quid13 dep for Local mission
KC-135R 58-0100/D 351st ARS Quid13 arr from local mission
E-8C 95-0121/GA 128th ACCS GA ANG Redeye6 dep for local mission
E-8C 95-0121/GA 128th ACCS GA ANG Redeye6 arr from local mission
C-17A 00-0177 137th AS NY ANG RCH890 dep to Andrews AFB
C-17A 07-7182 437th AW RCH445 arr from Andrews AFB
C-17A 08-8198 437th AW RCH657 arr from McGuire AFB
C-17A 08-8198 437th AW RCH657 depart but returned back
C-17A 08-8198 437th AW RCH657 arr back after dep
B767 N312AA ABX2271 ABX Air dep to Lajes
B767 N664GT CMB119 Atlas Air arr from Sofia
B767 N664GT GTI8039 Atlas Air dep to Baltimore
B777 N846AX CMB545 Omni Air Int dep to
MD-11F N584FE FX9797 FedEx dep to Paris CDG
C-17A 02 SAC BARTOK51 arr from Incirlik AFB
Let410 2901 46. Kridlo Kuchyna SQF104 arr from Malacky
Let410 2901 46. Kridlo Kuchyna SQF104 dep to Malacky
M28B/PT 0225 8.BLTr PLF112 dep to Warsaw
KC-46A 17-46025 22nd ARW RCH177 dep to RAF Mildenhall
KC-135R 58-0100/D 351st ARS Quid13 dep to RAF Mildenhall
C-17A 98-0057 137th AS NY ANG RCH800 arr from McGuire AFB
C-17A 07-7183 437th AW RCH151 arr from Rota
C-17A 07-7184 437th AW RCH657 dep to RAF Mildenhall
C-17A 09-9208 437th AW RCH104 dep to Evreux
C-17A 10-0215 437th AW RCH1815 arr from Tunis-Carthage
Gulfstream III N183PA GRB510 Phoenix Air arr from Souda Bay
C-17A 02 SAC BARTOK51 dep to Papa
E-8C 95-0121/GA 128th ACCS GA ANG Redeye6 dep for local mission
E-8C 95-0121/GA 128th ACCS GA ANG Redeye6 arr from local mission
C-17A 98-0057 137th AS NY ANG RCH800 dep to Al Udeid
C-17A 07-7182 437th AW RCH445 dep to Sarajevo
C-17A 07-7182 437th AW RCH445 arr from Beograd
C-17A 08-8198 437th AW RCH175 dep to Baghdad
C-17A 10-0215 437th AW RCH1815 dep to Andrews AFB
Gulfstream III N183PA GRB510 Phoenix Air dep to Stuttgart
C-5M 86-0025 9th AS RCH801 arr from Kuwait Int
C-17A 98-0057 137th AS NY ANG RCH800 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 04-4137 6th AS RCH348 arr from RAF Mildenhall
C-17A 07-7183 437th AW RCH304 dep to Djibouti
C-17A 07-7183 437th AW RCH304 arr from Djibouti
C-17A 08-8198 437th AW RCH175 arr from Erbil
E-8C 95-0121/GA 128th ACCS GA ANG Redeye6 dep for local mission
E-8C 95-0121/GA 128th ACCS GA ANG arr from local mission
C-5M 86-0025 9th AS RCH801 dep to Dover AFB
C-17A 95-0103 62nd AW RCH898 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 98-0057 137th AS NY ANG RCH811 dep to Aqaba
C-17A 98-0057 137th AS NY ANG RCH811 arr from Aqaba
C-17A 02-1105 62nd AW RCH260 arr from Davis Monthan AFB
C-17A 05-5149/HH 535th AS RCH320 arr from NAS Whidbey Island
C-17A 07-7173 3rd AS RCH150 arr from McGuire AFB
C-17A 07-7182 437th AW RCH445 dep to Pease AFB
C-17A 07-7183 437th AW RCH175 dep to MCAS Cherry Point
C-17A 10-0214 437th AW RCH745 arr from Charleston AFB
B747 N481MC GTI8088 Atlas Air arr from Baltimore
B747 N481MC CMB118 Atlas Air dep to Incirlik AFB
Gulfstream III N183PA GRB511 Phoenix Air arr from Stuttgart
Gulfstream III N183PA GRB511 Phoenix Air dep to Niamey
Ramstein AB movements January 2022
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Mode S / SBS and radio logs, airfield specific, are allowed, but always state your source, mode S / SBS or air traffic conversations. These logs can be placed in the "day topic" so a separate Mode S / SBS radio log is not necessary |
- Scramble Addict
- Posts: 1079
- Joined: 25 Aug 2011, 12:23