With Spirit Airlines (inbound from Fort Lauderdale) we arrived at Cancun.
Luckily we taxied along the biz ramp meaning most biz parked made it into the logbook (upon departure we could't see the biz ramp at all)
Cancun International (CUN)
Sunday 11feb18 12.20-22.45Lt = 15x biz
C-GAJS / LJ35 / 35-380
CS-DTT / Fa7X / 154
N181CA / LJ35 / 35-420
N233XL / Ce560XL / 560-5233
N345GL / Gulf.2 / 205
N352QS / Phenom / 505-244
N411FX / Legacy450 / 5501-028
N552AV / Gulf.550 / 5497
N612JC / LJ60 / 60-160
N631DV / Gulf.200 / 166
XA-ATJ / Phenom / 500-342
XA-FLA / Phenom / 505-361
XA-KVD / Hs125 / 258240
XA-TWW / Be400 / RK-332
XB-CTC / MU300 / A024
Cancun International (CUN)
Monday 12feb18 07.15-11.30Lt = 2x biz
N234FJ / Fa2000 / 34
XA-VYE / LJ45 / 45-0191
Interjet brought us (with a Sukhoi jet, very pleasant aircraft to fly) in 2hrs to Toluca
Below all read of during taxiing, from the parking garage, from the streets (''calle'', when looking at google maps) at Blvd Aeropuerto and from our hotel (One Hotel)
Toluca International (TLC)
Monday 12feb18 12.40Lt = 112x biz
9H-OPE / BD700 / 9440
N107ET / Hs125 / 257146
N137BR / LJ40 / 45-2068
N154FV / Gulf.450 / 4318
N194SR / Ce750 / 750-0112
N252VR / LJ60 / 60-174
N264TC / Hs125 / HB-013
N273SF / Gulf.4 / 1346
N280PF / Gulf.280 / 2047
N305AG / Hs125 / 258013
N341CW / Hs125 / HB-027
N34TN / LJ25 / 25-249
N415RR / Gulf.4 / 1040
N428P / Phenom / 505-031
N442KM / Ce550 / S550-0060
N511TL / Gulf.2 / 199
N518RC / Ce525 / 525-0516
N519RJ / Ce550 / 550-0194
N570DM / Ce525 / 525-0055
N59ME / Gulf.3 / 325
N603TS / Hs125 / 256041
N65WL / BD700 / 9089
N75NE / LJ24 / 24-351
N777EH / Hs125 / 257020
N796CH / Hs125 / 258049
N802DB / Ce650 / 650-0080
N82SR / Hs125 / 258026
N85WD / Gulf.4 / 1008
N875HB / H.4000 / RC-075
N904BW / Hs125 / 258042
N943CE / Hs125 / 257141
XA-ABF / CL601 / 5163
XA-ACR / Ce525B / 525B0091
XA-ADR / Gulf.150 / 257
XA-ALN / LJ45 / 45-0231
XA-AVX / Ce525B / 525B0192
XA-AYL / BD700 / 9119
XA-BAY / Gulf.280 / 2007
XA-BLZ / Fa2000EX / 251
XA-BPS / Phenom / 505-406
XA-BRA / Phenom / 505-340
XA-BUA / Gulf.550 / 5464
XA-BUD / H.4000 / RC-071
XA-CFX / LJ45 / 45-0209
XA-CHR / Gulf.550 / 5182
XA-CMA / LJ45 / 45-0189
XA-CPQ / Gulf.5 / 533
XA-CRS / Ce680 / 680-0061
XA-DAK / Hs125 / 258702
XA-DAR / Hs125 / 258753
XA-EAJ / Gulf.550 / 5267
XA-ELX / Hs125 / 258413
XA-EMB / Legacy500 / 550-030
XA-ETP / Be400 / RK-494
XA-FLB / Legacy500 / 550-055
XA-FLM / Ce680 / 680-0137
XA-FRC / Hs125 / 259023
XA-GDQ / CL601 / 5142
XA-GGS / Ce680 / 680A0032
XA-GME / Ce680 / 680-0522
XA-GMO / Fa2000S / 719
XA-GZZ / Ce525C / 525C0003
XA-HEL / Hs125 / 258489
XA-HTL / Ce560XL / 560-5248
XA-ICO / Ce680 / 680-0318
XA-JAO / LJ45 / 45-0042
XA-JET / Hs125 / 258628
XA-JGT / BD700 / 9379
XA-JMR / Hs125 / 258530
XA-JVC / Legacy500 / 550-074
XA-KUO / Gulf.5 / 604
XA-LFJ / Ce550 / 550-0237
XA-LNP / Gulf.3 / 323
XA-LOS / Ce560XL / 560-6065
XA-LVS / BD100 / 20383
XA-MMA / H.4000 / RC-013
XA-MMD / LJ24 / 24-326
XA-OVA / BD100 / 20232
XA-PBX / LJ45 / 45-0171
XA-PRA / LJ45 / 45-0067
XA-RBG / Legacy500 / 550-040
XA-RCM / Gulf.4 / 1081
XA-RWS / Legacy / 145969
XA-SOL / CL604 / 5501
XA-STG / Ce750 / 750-0050
XA-TYD / Be400 / RK-321
XA-UFF / CL601 / 5003
XA-UTD / Ce560XL / 560-5148
XA-UVS / Fa50 / 319
XA-UWR / CL604 / 5321
XA-UZM / Sabre / unknown (c/n ?)
XA-VWA / Be390 / RB-293
XA-XDC / Ce680 / 680-0165
XA-XTR / Gulf.450 / 4008
XB-BLK / Hs125 / 257098
XB-CTC / MU300 / A024
XB-CYA / Sabre75 / 380-53
XB-JOA / LJ35 / 35-370
XB-KQY / Sabre60 / 306-83
XB-LVY / Ce500 / 500-0010
XB-MTG / Hs125 / 258063
XB-NCR / Ce550 / 550-0251
XB-NZJ / Jetstar / 5234
XB-OAP / Fa20 / 504
XB-OSP / Ce650 / 650-0177
XB-OUF / Hs125 / 25227
XB-PTC / Sabre65 / 465-72
XB-SHA / Ce501 / 501-0243
XB-TRN / Ce500 / 500-0198
XB-YJA / Fa50 / 136
XC-DGO / LJ35 / 35-336
XC-GDT / Ce560 / 560-0689
Toluca International (TLC)
Tuesday 13feb18 06.25-11.40Lt = 52x biz
storage SE part of the airport (short walk from our hotel)
N192WF / Gulf.2 / 192
N610RA / Sabre / 306-54
XA-CEN / Sabre / 306-26
XA-CHP / Sabre / 306-22
XA-DSC / Sabre / 306-56
XA-EMO / Jetstar / 5140
XA-PES / Jetstar / 5130
XA-RIR / Sabre / 306-36
(XA-RMA) / Fa20 / 39
(XA-SOY) / Jetstar / 5142
XA-TZW / Jetstar / 5129
BAC111 XB-KCE and 2x B727 (XA-RRB and XA-SQO, last one identified via other logs) were present in this area as well
Others :
N269AA / Hs125 / 258800
N296JA / LJ45 / 45-0381
N412DA / Hs125 / 258061
N531FX / BD100 / 20150
XA-AEA / Ce560XL / 560-5503
XA-BWB / Hs125 / 258581
XA-IRE / LJ60 / 60-058
XA-SKA / LJ75 / 45-0493
XA-SEG / LJ45 / 45-0165
XA-TEM / Hs125 / 258431
Northside of the airport :
N225BJ / Hs125 / 257044
N547JG / LJ25 / 25-264
N555KW / Ce501 / 501-0063
N880RG / Hs125 / 257107
XA-AMI / Sabre / unknown (c/n ?)
XA-ESR / Be400 / RK-331
XA-FGS / Hs125 / 258047
XA-JRF / Sabre80 / 380-32
XA-NZF / Ce650 / 650-0071
XA-RAY / Hs125 / unknown (c/n ?)
XA-SKJ / LJ25 / 25-367
XA-SOF / LJ / unknown (c/n ?)
XA-TYW / LJ25 / 25-361
XA-UZR / LJ / unknown (c/n ?)
XA-ZAP / LJ35 / 35-129
XB-DAG / Fa20 / unknown (c/n ?)
XB-ETV / Sabre60 / 306-96
XB-JVL / Hs125 / 25052
XB-LWW / LJ35 / 35-091
XB-MXU / Sabre60 / 306-98
XB-NQB / LJ35 / 35-308
XB-NVT / Fa20 / 487
XB-OIQ / Ce500 / 500-0338
XB-OTM / Fa20 / unknown (c/n ?)
XB-OXA / Gulf.2 / 14
XB-OYI / LJ31 / 31-044
XB-OZN / Hs125 / 258020
XB-PGC / Ce650 / 650-0038
XB-SJA / Fa20 / 507
XC-GDH / Fa20 / 393
XC-TJN / LJ40 / 45-2046
We took a cab to the Camino Real at Mexico International, journey of approx 1hrs and 10min (around EUR 40,00)
Arranged a high floor facing the airport, from here all movements can be seen.
Mexico City International (MEX)
Tuesday 13feb18 13.00-22.00Lt = 5x biz
3910 / Gulf.550 / 5296
3930 / Ce680 / 680-0284
ANX-1202 / CL605 / 5969
TP-01 / B787 BBJ / 40695
TP-04 / Gulf.550 / 5508
Mexico City International (MEX)
Wednesday 14feb18 06.30-13.10Lt = 4x biz
3911 / CL605 / 5967
ANX-1203 / LJ60 / 60-152
TP-05 / Gulf.450 / 4333
TP-06 / Gulf.150 / 314
Aeromexico brought us back to Florida (Orlando)
If anyone can fill up the questionmarks (misreads or just no info of that aircraft available) it would be appreciated.
With best regards,
Chris Veringa
Jeroen Noordhout
LOG: Cancun/Toluca/Mexico City 11-14feb (biz only)
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