RJDM - Metabaru JGSDF Air Festival 06.oct.2019

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Canberra TT.18
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RJDM - Metabaru JGSDF Air Festival 06.oct.2019

Post by Canberra TT.18 »

Metabaru Air Festival 06.oct.2019


Platform/Flight line North
41825/WH UH-1J Seibu Homen Herikoputatai
41836/WH UH-1J Seibu Homen Herikoputatai
43125/WH UH-60J Seibu Homen Herikoputatai

Platform / Flight line South
73476/VATH AH-1S 5 Taisensha Herikoputatai
73477/IIIATH AH-1S 3 Taisensha Herikoputatai
73459/IIIATH AH-1S 3 Taisensha Herikoputatai
73462/IIIATH AH-1S 3 Taisensha Herikoputatai

41809/WH UH-1J Seibu Homen Herikoputatai
41875/WH UH-1J Seibu Homen Herikoputatai
41928/IV UH-1J Seibu Homentai/4 Shidan
41930/IV UH-1J Seibu Homentai/4 Shidan

31307 OH-6D (no code read)
31310/IV OH-6D Seibu Homentai/4 Shidan

43108 UH-60J (no code read)
43114 UH-60J (no code read)

52952/WH CH-47J Seibu Homen Herikoputatai
52956/HGPIII CH-47J 103 Hikotai

(all these helicopters did engine run around 8.30)

Hangar A (closed shortly open during ceremony)
2x UH-1J (to dark to read)

Hangar B (closed)
41926 UH-1J
2x OH-1 (covers over aircraft/serials, both looked stored)

Hangar C (closed)
43131 UH-60J
43132 UH-60J
43135 UH-60J
43140 UH-60J
(no codes read)

Hangar D (partly open)
32632/IIIATH OH-1 3 Taisensha Herikoputatai (looked opeational incl. remove before flight pins)
73431/IIIATH AH-1S 3 Taisensha Herikoputatai
73437/IIIATH AH-1S 3 Taisensha Herikoputatai

Hangar E & F were not accessible

Nice variation of helicopter types.
I was here between 8.00-9.45 before heading for Kumamoto and the Rugby World Cup game.
While at Tosu station around 10.30 a 'mass flight' came over:
3 AH-1's
1 UH-1 & 2 OH-6's
1 UH-60 & 2 UH-1's
2 CH-47's
Most likely the ones from flightline south


P.s. Edited the OH-1 which is 632 and not 633
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