RJFA - Ashiya JASDF Air Festival 13.oct.2019

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Canberra TT.18
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RJFA - Ashiya JASDF Air Festival 13.oct.2019

Post by Canberra TT.18 »

Ashiya Air Festival 13.oct.2019
(8.00-14.30 hours)

75-1076 C-130H 401 Hikotai
67-4496 CH-47J Koko Kyunadan
56-9925 T-7 12 Hiko Kyoikudan (pulled from hangar to static around 10.30)
21-5062 T-400 41 Kyoiku Hikotai
73437/IIIATH AH-1S 3 Taisensha Herikoputatai

Flightline east
82-3009 U-125A Koko Kyunadan (twice demo)
78-4603 UH-60J Koko Kyunadan (twice demo) (inflight refueling probe)
88-4067 UH-60J Koko Kyunadan (inflight refueling probe)

Flight line west
96-5616 T-4
06-5647 T-4
06-5649 T-4
16-5657 T-4 (special 60 anniversary marks)
26-5677 T-4
(these flew multiple times in different formations)

Flight line west (none flyers) 3 lines
T-4’s Line 1: 86-5607 56-5735 16-5809 (all 3 grey c/s)
T-4’s Line 2: 06-5638 06-5640 06-5644 16-5656
T-4’s Line 3: 06-5639 16-5665 26-5679 06-5788

Hangar (open)
T-4’s: 96-5614 06-5636 06-5648 26-5678

All T-4’s Red/White c/s apart from the 3 grey ones
All T-4’s 13 Hiko Kyoikudan

Flying Only
T-7: 26-9902 36-5905 66-9937 76-9945 12 Hiko Kyoikudan (formation of 4)
F-2A: 33-8523 6 Hikotai (special 60 anniversary c/s)
RF-4E: 57-6907 501 Hikotai
F-15J: 32-8826 52-8852 72-8885 & F-15DJ: 32-8059 23 Hikotai (formation of 4)

80-8219 F-1 (elsewhere)
52-7406 F-86F (gate)
84-8106 F-86D (gate)
56-8663 F-104J (gate)
05-5812 T-1 (gate)
52-0002 T-6D (gate)
51-5610 T-33A (gate)
91-4707 H-19 (gate)

Nice little event, with some nice flying.

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