4L-GEO is airborne ex Almaty
According to schiphol.nl this flight will arrive on 05-04-2021.
A7-BAX wich is in World Cup 2022 c/sniekkie wrote:1345-1515 Qatar Airways B773
The flights are accessible for several weeks into the future if you know how to "misuse" the site properlypatric wrote:schiphol.nl
have not already cargo flight announce for July 11th
16:00 KL885 PH-BFV HKGEdsard wrote:Vertrekt er vandaag nog een KLM 747? Zo ja, weet iemand hoe laat dit zal zijn?
Still scheduled for departure 18:15 hours?Ricks wrote:1015-1815 Nordwind 77W N49056 /N49057 VP-BJP
Why is this the last flight? Next one is scheduled with ETA 10:00 on 08-07-2020?niekkie wrote:1730-1930 QT4047/QT4046 Aviancia Cargo A330F (last flight??)
18:35-17:00 (+1) AI1169/1170 788 BOM/BLRJ_v_Toor@Hotmail.com wrote:Ferry flight DEL-AMS
AI1169 1835-XXXX 788 dep 11-06.
Local times. Subject to change
Jeroen van Toor