Hi Fellow Aviation Enthusiasts , After seeing some many awesome pictures on various site's I decided to book a flight to Anchorage (PANC) in August and was wondering if any of you guys here on the forum have been there and if so any suggestions , tips in regards to the location of those iconic photo...
On the last day of May , it turned out to be a quite nice day , with temperatures up in the mid 80's Highlight of the day the arrival of N935TA E-190 TACA http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8407/8924327358_81a8f52f49_o.jpg It was nice to see N933FR Frontier with Wally on the tail. http://farm8.staticflic...
Earlier this Month May 4 https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/921768_593474270676447_265414652_o.jpg May 5 https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-frc1/920212_593894097301131_515654328_o.jpg May 11 https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc1/919242_596185773738630_2706718...
Am going to post the 2013 Civilian Highlights from my home-state of Arizona regularly under this Photo Forum post. KIWA Phoenix-Mesa Airport - March 1 , 2013 - N301NV Airbus A319-111 http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8233/8545027694_8ab09d9523_b.jpg KIWA Phoenix-Mesa Airport - Feb 27 , 2013 - N901NV Boe...
Decided to start posting the civilian / military high-lights of 2013 each month : To start things of here are the first two : IFL Group N216WE Boeing 727-2S2(F) ex N216FE (FedEx) seen at MQY February 23 , 2013 http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8243/8502091693_51738d6383_b.jpg N301SL seen at BNA http://f...
Visited Phoenix Goodyear Litchfield Airport last week and was blessed with a clear blue sky even though it was cold for Arizona standards (12c) Two high-lights : Kuban Airlines Boeing 737 http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8328/8420481213_9a63da2b9a_b.jpg and Eznis Boeing 737 http://farm9.staticflickr.co...
Came across this Helicopter and others with serial 1001,1002 and 1003 a few months ago , have no idea who they belong too , but it seems they have are on the civilian register as well , anybody have a clue ?
Am very impressed by the new look of the website , at first it was hard to navigate through but with time it will get easier , the only drawback is that I think in my humble opinion , the latest updates should be scalable so you don't have to navigate through the hole page and maybe the Header of th...