Search found 7 matches

by Aviator
11 Apr 2013, 13:19
Forum: Aviation Photo Forum
Topic: Amsterdam/Eham Schiphol 07-04-2013 ( Civ)
Replies: 5
Views: 2255

Re: Amsterdam/Eham Schiphol 07-04-2013 ( Civ)

NustyR: Toevallig rond 14:15 LT nog een Schiphol kruisende Robin op de plaat gezet?

by Aviator
11 Apr 2011, 10:46
Forum: Aviation Photo Forum
Topic: Schiphol Eham/Spl 09/04/2011
Replies: 31
Views: 6045

Re: Eham/Spl 09/04/2011

Did anybody see me flying crossing the CTR with one orbit around the tower. I flew a Robin DR40 with registration PH-SVU around 17:10 LT. Hope there will be a picture... Yes, I did and I took a picture as well.. not the best quality and the wings are covering the cockpit so I cannot see you.. for m...
by Aviator
10 Apr 2011, 22:52
Forum: Aviation Photo Forum
Topic: Schiphol Eham/Spl 09/04/2011
Replies: 31
Views: 6045

Re: Eham/Spl 09/04/2011

Did anybody see me flying crossing the CTR with one orbit around the tower. I flew a Robin DR40 with registration PH-SVU around 17:10 LT. Hope there will be a picture...
by Aviator
06 Aug 2010, 13:15
Forum: Rotterdam-The Hague
Topic: EHRD 05-08-2010
Replies: 7
Views: 2285

Re: EHRD 05-08-2010

Very late arrival: 2310/2340 B752 G-STRZ AEU237/238 BIKF/BIKF Regards, Yorden Iemand enig idee waarom deze kist rond 24:00 weer terug naar het platform ging. In eerste instantie reed de kist met een marshaller naar holding 06 waarna dezelfde marshaller de kist via de baan weer terug naar het platfo...
by Aviator
02 Jun 2010, 11:33
Forum: Rotterdam-The Hague
Topic: EHRD 29-05-2010 MIL
Replies: 9
Views: 2529

Re: EHRD 29-05-2010 MIL

The F-16 made an approach at 24, serial J-009. As far as I know no QRA or anything, just training. Can't find a Lynx flight. Regards, Pim That is strange. first approach was on 06 with a 737 on short final 24. After that it came from opposite direction. It was certainly not an standard approach. It...
by Aviator
31 Dec 2009, 15:21
Forum: Rotterdam-The Hague
Topic: EHRD 31-12-2009
Replies: 4
Views: 1156

Re: EHRD 31-12-2009 CIV

Stratofreighter wrote:Dit soort lijstjes is niet op een openbare website te zien, in ieder geval niet in geupdate/"real time" vorm :!:
Daar was ik al een beetje bang voor... :wink:
by Aviator
31 Dec 2009, 13:24
Forum: Rotterdam-The Hague
Topic: EHRD 31-12-2009
Replies: 4
Views: 1156

Re: EHRD 31-12-2009 CIV

Short list: ____/0915 E135 LX-RLG ****/SVW03LG XXX/VKO 1230/1310 C550 OE-GCI TYW645/646 INN/INN 1245/1310 D328 OE-GBB TYW243/244 INN/INN Regards, Yorden Hallo yorden, Ik heb je al eerder zulke lijsten zien posten. Mag ik vragen waar je deze lijst vandaan haalt, kan je deze lijst op een of andere we...