Search found 6501 matches

by ehusmann
26 Feb 2025, 21:47
Forum: Vintage, warbirds and wrecks & relics
Topic: Indian HPT-32 pole sitters
Replies: 7
Views: 2550

Re: Indian HPT-32 pole sitters

Brilliant, another one, that's 78 (+13)! Thanks, added above.
by ehusmann
26 Feb 2025, 17:44
Forum: Vintage, warbirds and wrecks & relics
Topic: Indian HPT-32 pole sitters
Replies: 7
Views: 2550

Re: Indian HPT-32 pole sitters

One and a half years later and there are some updates again. 10 more have been identified, all in bold above (marks from previous updates have been removed). The updates include some that were known before, but quite still some new ones as well. In total already 90 are known, and this might be close...
by ehusmann
12 Feb 2025, 17:44
Forum: 't Praethuys
Topic: Fokker F-27 langs highway Delhi - Jaipur India
Replies: 9
Views: 1771

Re: Fokker F-27 langs highway Delhi - Jaipur India

De lijst met wat ik ervan weet: VT-NEA Std Kolkatta until 2018 VT-NEB Sidhra VT-NEC Std Chennai until 2022 VT-NED -> NZ VT-NEE Surat VT-NEG Std Chennai until 2022 VT-NEH -> NZ VT-NEJ Muzaffarpur VT-NEK Alipur De NEA is al lang weg, de C en G pas recentelijk en ook de E en de K lagen in hetzelfde vel...
by ehusmann
11 Feb 2025, 22:43
Forum: 't Praethuys
Topic: Fokker F-27 langs highway Delhi - Jaipur India
Replies: 9
Views: 1771

Re: Fokker F-27 langs highway Delhi - Jaipur India

Op die video lijkt het inderdaad meer op een Fokker. Laatste wat ik heb gehoord was van een ATR, alleen dat kan uiteraard een foutje zijn geweest, of die is ook alweer weg. Ze gaan er vrij snel doorheen...
by ehusmann
11 Feb 2025, 20:14
Forum: Spotting Rest of Europe
Topic: Lisbon (LPPT/LIS) 2025 MIL
Replies: 4
Views: 4302

Re: Lisbon (LPPT/LIS) 2025 MIL

Today departed Pakistan AF A319 A-1102. Arrived Monday morning 00.40 and was to leave today at 12h, then tomorrow at 14h30, then today at 14h30, then today at 17h, but of course had to settle for 18h40... when it was pretty much dark already.
Anyway, former Sabena OO-SSD, so double frame...
by ehusmann
11 Feb 2025, 20:11
Forum: 't Praethuys
Topic: Fokker F-27 langs highway Delhi - Jaipur India
Replies: 9
Views: 1771

Re: Fokker F-27 langs highway Delhi - Jaipur India

Da's de site van Moniji Enterprises . Een toko die vliegtuigen opkoopt en dan door het hele land zet als restaurant. Er zijn er inmiddels velen. Die 'Fokker' op de laatste GE beelden is denk ik een ATR. Er was wel een Fokker (VT-NEK) maar die staat nu in Alipur . En waarschijnlijk zijn er nog wel me...
by ehusmann
11 Feb 2025, 10:34
Forum: Civil Aviation News
Topic: 1 dead in Lear jet crash
Replies: 5
Views: 2107

Re: 1 dead in Lear jet crash

Jeez, that's Mötley Crüe's Vince Neil's old plane. I was looking for that one as recently as this weekend, as it was reported stored and for sale. Jimmy's World had a video on it, but without mentioning the location. Search no longer needed I guess...
by ehusmann
16 Jan 2025, 17:53
Forum: Tattle Lounge
Topic: F-35 Undisclosed non-program partners
Replies: 1
Views: 3436

Re: F-35 Undisclosed non-program partners

Total of aircraft from that lot that will be delivered to the program partners (UK, NL, Italy, Australia, Canada, Denmark, Norway - list taken from Wikipedia).

So your title is not correct. It is not non-program partners, it is program partners that are non-US DoD.
by ehusmann
04 Dec 2024, 12:26
Forum: Tattle Lounge
Topic: Emergence of Chinese Navy military serials?
Replies: 2
Views: 4026

Re: Emergence of Chinese Navy military serials?

Here is a list of what I have been able to find so far through Airliners and jetphotos. It seems to have started about 2 years ago. registration code cn type H1081010 10 J-11BH H1084095 95 J-11BSH H1104193 93 0103 J-15D H1104194 94 J-15D H1104206 06 020031 J-15T H1104210 10 J-15T H4712006 06 "1...
by ehusmann
03 Dec 2024, 20:19
Forum: Tattle Lounge
Topic: Emergence of Chinese Navy military serials?
Replies: 2
Views: 4026

Re: Emergence of Chinese Navy military serials?

Some more:
Harbin Z-20F H5073138/38
3x J-15 ... all have such a number, but not readable
Shenyang J-15T H1104206/06 c/n 020031

Changhe Z-8CJ 8C-21/21 - this one is very different..
by ehusmann
03 Dec 2024, 20:06
Forum: Tattle Lounge
Topic: Emergence of Chinese Navy military serials?
Replies: 2
Views: 4026

Emergence of Chinese Navy military serials?

Recently a number of Chinese Navy aircraft started to appear with what looks like new numbers painted on. Most databases and websites quote these long numbers as codes, but I wonder if this is some new kind of serial system. I have only seen a few examples so far, and it is too few to draw any concl...
by ehusmann
05 Oct 2024, 18:29
Forum: Scramble Wiki
Topic: MRTT Numbers A330
Replies: 18
Views: 32991

Re: MRTT Numbers A330

1303 UAE is MRTT065 (

Missing (at least):
c/n 2036 1403 UAE AF EC-346/U5
c/n 2060 ??? Saudi AF

Both already seen in Getafe.

And TK.24-03 is E1 (hasn't ever carried an MRTT number as far as I know).
by ehusmann
06 Jun 2024, 22:19
Forum: Airshow news!
Topic: Beja show serials required
Replies: 11
Views: 3325

Re: Beja show serials required

Missing in that list:
AB.212 5D-HH, 5D-HI, 5D-HQ
B.429 EC-OFS
Gabri G2 EC-HIX
Emb.314 PT-ZTU
Do.228 C-FPSH
SE.3160 9254 (cockpit only)

And 17401 is a Falcon 50, not a 900.
by ehusmann
06 Jun 2024, 11:10
Forum: Airshow news!
Topic: Beja show serials required
Replies: 11
Views: 3325

Re: Beja show serials required

I didn't bother with them as I don't need anything of the three teams. But also scrolling the different Portuguese Facebook groups only got me one Swiss serial: J-3088. Nothing else readable from pictures I am afraid.
by ehusmann
28 May 2024, 10:20
Forum: Spotting Rest of Europe
Topic: REQ: C-130’s and C295’s at Montijo-BA6 2024
Replies: 14
Views: 3765

Re: REQ: C-130’s and C295’s at Montijo-BA6 2024

I have not heard that and that may change again after all. The new government has now firmly decided on the new Lisbon airport in Alcochete, which may mean the whole Montijo idea is no longer needed. But that's just my hunch, I have not seen any official info about the future plans for Montijo.