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by Scramble Bestuur/Board
10 Oct 2021, 22:09
Forum: Messages from & to Scramble
Topic: Verlengen abonnement
Replies: 74
Views: 22360

Re: Verlengen abonnement

We moeten in deze inderdaad onze excuses aanbieden, in de zin dat we weinig tot geen informatie hebben verstrekt over hoe Scramble er straks uit gaat zien. Op dit moment is het bestuur hard aan het werk om op korte termijn met meer informatie te komen. Even een paar korte steekpunten, zodat voor ied...
by Scramble Bestuur/Board
18 Sep 2021, 11:32
Forum: Scramble Intelligence Service
Topic: SIS Summary September 2021 update
Replies: 0
Views: 1672

SIS Summary September 2021 update

An updated version of SIS Summary can be found at the Scramble Magazine website.
Please go to
by Scramble Bestuur/Board
11 Sep 2021, 15:11
Forum: Messages from & to Scramble
Topic: SIS-summary
Replies: 7
Views: 2557

Re: SIS-summary

Dear all, After a long period, the SIS Summary is up-to-date and online again. The page can be found under Most likely not all information is listed here yet, but we are expanding it. If you have any updates or additions, please let us know. We are workin...
by Scramble Bestuur/Board
06 Jul 2021, 22:48
Forum: Messages from & to Scramble
Topic: Delivery delay of Scramble 506
Replies: 0
Views: 1115

Delivery delay of Scramble 506

Scramble issue 506 will be delivered with a delay, as the printer at our book binder malfunctioned. It has now been fixed and your favourite magazine will be heading out soon.

Our English subscribers can expect their copy around 15/16 July.

We apologise in advance for any inconvenience.
by Scramble Bestuur/Board
25 May 2021, 15:11
Forum: Messages from & to Scramble
Topic: Verlengen abonnement
Replies: 74
Views: 22360

Re: Verlengen abonnement

We hebben onze Q & A sectie aangevuld, zie het originele bericht hier.


We have updated our Q & A section, see the main message here.
by Scramble Bestuur/Board
25 May 2021, 15:05
Forum: Messages from & to Scramble
Topic: Q & A
Replies: 5
Views: 9771

Re: Q & A

We hebben onze Q & A sectie aangevuld, zie het originele bericht hierboven.


We have updated our Q & A section, see the main message above.
by Scramble Bestuur/Board
10 May 2021, 15:20
Forum: Messages from & to Scramble
Topic: Verlengen abonnement
Replies: 74
Views: 22360

Re: Verlengen abonnement

Zes jaar geleden is een groot deel van de redactie bij elkaar gekomen, met het doel een 5-jaren plan op te zetten. Dat plan was de toekomst van Scramble waarborgen in tijden van dalende abonnementen en stijgende social media platformen. Het doel daarvan was om in 2020 helemaal digitaal te zijn, met ...
by Scramble Bestuur/Board
09 May 2021, 23:48
Forum: Messages from & to Scramble
Topic: Verlengen abonnement
Replies: 74
Views: 22360

Re: Verlengen abonnement

We zijn een apart topic begonnen met antwoorden op jullie vragen:

We have started a separate topic with answers to your questions:

Q & A
by Scramble Bestuur/Board
09 May 2021, 23:47
Forum: Messages from & to Scramble
Topic: Q & A
Replies: 5
Views: 9771

Q & A

Beste abonnee/lezer, Zoals aangekondigd in het topic over verlengen abonnement hierbij de Q en A. Als wij nieuwe vragen ontvangen dan zullen wij deze verwerken in onderstaande opzet. V: Looptijd huidig abonnement en stopzetten blad als fysieke uitgave A: Van iedere abonnee weten we wanneer het abonn...
by Scramble Bestuur/Board
06 May 2021, 20:03
Forum: Messages from & to Scramble
Topic: Verlengen abonnement
Replies: 74
Views: 22360

Re: Verlengen abonnement

Beste abonnee/lezer, In verband met de diverse vragen die er zijn naar aanleiding van onze brief aan de abonnees over het stopzetten van het gedrukte blad zullen we een separaat topic op het message board plaatsen waarin we de vragen rubriceren en beantwoorden. Dear subscriber / reader, In connectio...
by Scramble Bestuur/Board
29 Apr 2021, 16:36
Forum: Messages from & to Scramble
Topic: Late delivery Scramble 503
Replies: 7
Views: 2853

Re: Late delivery Scramble 503

The distributor confirmed that Scramble 503 has been posted on Wednesday 28 April 2021. So the copy should arrive in the next few days.
Sorry for the delay.
by Scramble Bestuur/Board
28 Apr 2021, 19:38
Forum: Messages from & to Scramble
Topic: Late delivery Scramble 503
Replies: 7
Views: 2853

Re: Late delivery Scramble 503

Delivery to our distributor in the UK has finally succeeded on 27 April 2021.
by Scramble Bestuur/Board
22 Apr 2021, 10:24
Forum: Messages from & to Scramble
Topic: Late delivery Scramble 503
Replies: 7
Views: 2853

Re: Late delivery Scramble 503

Kevin and all, we were made aware of this delay via the distributor in the UK. Our package is still with UPS as we were confronted with an unexpected invoice. Completely new Brexit rule for us. Hopefully this package can be delivered to the distributor in the coming days. We will give updates on our...
by Scramble Bestuur/Board
05 Apr 2021, 23:56
Forum: Messages from & to Scramble
Topic: Late delivery Scramble 503
Replies: 7
Views: 2853

Late delivery Scramble 503

Delay in delivery of issue 503!

We are sorry to announce a delay in the delivery of issue 503, due to equipment failure at the printer and the Easter holidays.

Tomorrow (Tuesday) we will send them out, so you can expect your favourite magazine to fall on the doormat within the next few days/weeks!
by Scramble Bestuur/Board
13 Mar 2021, 22:48
Forum: Messages from & to Scramble
Topic: Glitches with the new website
Replies: 40
Views: 14954

Re: Glitches with the new website

The issue regarding logging off is a nasty thing to solve. It has taken many investigation hours to get a grip on it. As far as we can replay this issue, it does not occur when you use Edge, but does occur when using Google Chrome and Firefox. Our developer has come up with a fix, which will be impl...