Search found 9 matches

by gunslinger
22 Jul 2007, 10:17
Forum: Photography
Topic: Image converter
Replies: 9
Views: 4184


Perhaps I had to say "batch converter" instead of "image converter"... Thanks for the answers guys.
by gunslinger
22 Jul 2007, 08:32
Forum: Photography
Topic: Image converter
Replies: 9
Views: 4184

There has to be an easier way or not? Just like audio converters, upload an image and convert it. Too bad there isn't.
by gunslinger
21 Jul 2007, 17:13
Forum: Photography
Topic: Image converter
Replies: 9
Views: 4184

I don't use LR.
by gunslinger
21 Jul 2007, 15:17
Forum: Photography
Topic: Image converter
Replies: 9
Views: 4184

Image converter

Is there an image converter to convert raw images to jpeg without editing in photoshop? It's just to convert them for making them easier for email and for everyone (friends) to watch. Now I do these things with photoshop, but it's too complicated.
by gunslinger
23 Jun 2007, 17:58
Forum: Photography
Topic: Hoe voorkom ik teveel reflectie op een witte kist?
Replies: 20
Views: 8447

Ik zou bij de instellingen voor de belichting de camera instellen op deelmeting. Dit kan wellicht een deel van je probleem wegnemen. Je herkent het in het venstertje van je camera aan dit icoontje--> []

Je sluiter gaat hier wat mee omlaag tov spotmeting ( [o] ), maar komt je belichting ten goede.
by gunslinger
14 Jun 2007, 05:30
Forum: Airshow news!
Topic: Geilenkirchen 16-17 June 2007
Replies: 131
Views: 80902


Hi. the 2nd topic at ... 13&page=31" onclick=";return false; tells us to expect the B-52 at 10Local friday morning. But somehow I doubt it to be reliable because I can't find anything, anywhere. :?-$:
by gunslinger
12 Jun 2007, 23:37
Forum: Airshow news!
Topic: Geilenkirchen 16-17 June 2007
Replies: 131
Views: 80902

If there's anyone with more info about the arrival times of the B-52 as well as the E-6 (if they really do show up...) then I'd would be gratefull. It'll be a very long, hard day for me, staying awake all day long after nightshift. :(
by gunslinger
03 May 2007, 19:50
Forum: Photography
Topic: Memorycards
Replies: 6
Views: 2619

No, it's not all the same. Imagine an airshow and a few fighters are rolling your way, one by one and rolling rather quick, but not with a lot of space between each other. You can depend on it that the shot of the last plane cannot be made! Making 2 or three shots of every plane is a wost case scena...
by gunslinger
03 May 2007, 04:00
Forum: Photography
Topic: Memorycards
Replies: 6
Views: 2619


Hi, I'm planning on buying a new CF card. I'm using a canon eos10D and memorycards now in use are sandisk ultraII, rather too slow for shooting four or five pics in a row in RAW quality. I'm not sure on which one is better; sandisk extremeIII, that claims a speed of 20Mb/s, or the Kingston Elite Pro...