The following was seen between 7:30-16:00
C-5A 00447 445AW
C-5A 00453 445AW
C-5A 00462 167AW/WV ANG
C-5A 00464 105AW/NY ANG
C-5B 70028 60AMW
C-5B 70034 60AMW
C-5B 70036 60AMW
C-17A 00175 62AW
C-17A 00176 62AW
C-17A 00180 62AW
C-17A 10191 437AW
C-17A 30601 62AW
C-17A 33117 172AW/MS ANG
C-17A 33126 305AMW
C-17A 77186 437AW
C-17A 77187 437AW
C-17A 90060 62AW
C-40C 20203 113WG/DC ANG
C-130H 41679 317AG
C-130J-30 78609/RS 86AW
KC-135R 23524 117ARW/AL ANG
KC-135R 91475 92ARW
C-5A 00464 105AW/NY ANG
C-5B 70034 60AMW
C-17A 00176 62AW
C-17A 30601 62AW
C-17A 33126 305AMW
C-17A 44129 305AMW
C-17A 77186 437AW
C-17A 90060 62AW
C-21A 40087 86AW
C-40C 20203 113WG/DC ANG
Arrivals (in sequential order):
C-17A 30600 62AW
C-17A 70045 437AW
C-17A 55140 452AMW
C-17A 44129 305AMW
C-130J 81357 175WG/MD ANG
C-12U 40163 E/52AVN(TA)
C-17A 80049 62AW
C-17A 10195 437AW
Local traffic:
C-20H 00300 86AW (circuits)
C-21A 40085 86AW (circuits)
C-21A 40087 86AW (circuits)
C-21A 40109 86AW (arr)
C-130J-30 88603/RS 86AW [37AS] (circuits)
C-130J-30 88604/RS 86AW (circuits)
C-20E 70140 PATD/EFD (dep)
Klaas van Os
Vincent Loedeman
On Dutch Wings
ORDER YOUR MASR2010 COPY NOW!" onclick=";return false;
ETAR 08-03-2010
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Mode S / SBS and radio logs, airfield specific, are allowed, but always state your source, mode S / SBS or air traffic conversations. These logs can be placed in the "day topic" so a separate Mode S / SBS radio log is not necessary |