EHSB 22-02-2008

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EHSB 22-02-2008

Post by Jerrie »


For today a AWACS was expected (thanks Otto)
First a F-16 made 2 low app:
A cougar comming in:
Yeah 8)
Some trees... with the Awac:

Bad weather condistions, so the pictures aren't good

Grtz, Jerrie
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Post by ssb-spotting »

Nice pictures Jerry! Because the weather was very bad, my pictures are also not very well ;) It was a nice afternoon!

Danny Buitendijk
NH90 B1.3 Technician
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jimmy van drunen
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Post by jimmy van drunen »

I love your Chinook pic with that ski's, it is not a good picture but wel very nice to see. :lol:

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Post by ssb-spotting »

Ohh yes it was my lucky day ;) It came unexpected for me... I was driving in Soesterberg North when I heard on the radio that there was a Chinook coming in to land. I took my camera and shoot some pictures.... because I had to do this in a short time, and because of the bad weather the quality of the picture is not very good...but I think it's a nice picture and I'm happy with this nice one ;)
Danny Buitendijk
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Post by Jerrie »

Nice pics!! And indeed.. the weather was very bad :?
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