Spotting Corsica (F)

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Subscriber Scramble: erik_kamphuis

Spotting Corsica (F)

Post by erik_kamphuis »

As I am here now for holidays I followed some mil moves on ADSB.

13/8 Milan77 Dash-8 (F-ZBMJ/77) arr
14/8 Milan76 Dash-8 (F-ZBMI/76)
FMY8947 PC-6 (F-MMCB) dep dir Ancona or Croatia
20/8 Benga9A B200 (F-ZBFJ) arr 9AM
23/8 CTM1017 A330MRTT (F-UJCR) arr 3.25PM +dep later
30/8 Benga9 B200 (F-ZBFJ) arr PM dep to Ajaccio.
30/8 CTM1012 A330MRTT (F-UJCM) arr 3.15PM + dep 4.45PM

15/8 Milan76 Dash-8 (F-ZBMI/76) ca 12.30-19.00h
17/8 Benga96 B200 (F-ZBFK/96) arr PM
20/8 Milan75 Dash-8 (F-ZBMH/75) arr PM
24/8 read on Sec.Civile ramp CL415 code 33 and 42
25/8 Benga9A B200 (F-ZBFJ) arr+dep PM
27/8 Benga98 B200 (F-ZBFJ) arr+dep PM
29/8 Milan76 Dash-8 (F-ZBMI/76)
31/8 Benga96 B200 (F-ZBFK/96) arr+dep PM

20/8 CVEX48 A400 (F-RBAT) flew mission from here for NW-coast
And also FDO8319 Douanes Beech 350 (F-ZBGN) flew here.
27/8 FMMCD PC-6 (F-MMCD) flying local (also 28+29th)
28/8 PC-6 MCB arr FMY8958, dep FMY8954
29/8 Milan76 Dash-8 (F-ZBMI/76 dep 19.30u to Nimes

29/8 A400 F-RBAX arr 9.45AM as CARVEX25, dep 11.20AM as CTM2069
Seen 31/8 the Vautour 370/30-QY still pres at the gate.

H-160 (F-HFYT) made a mission out of Hyeres along the north coast and Cap Corse as RESCUEBT between 12-15h August 15th.

Due to a big fire in Sotta (near Porto-Vecchio) 29th PM Milan76 came here, and I saw the 2 CL415 from Ajaccio making runs over the fire area.
At my last day here 2 CL415 passed very very low over my holiday parc near Porto-Vecchio: serials 33 +42 could be easy read by eyeball.

So actually read here are only the 2 CL415s the 24th, 31st and fire fighters 29th.
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