Toulouse-Francazal 28-07-2022 (CIV + 2 MIL)

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Toulouse-Francazal 28-07-2022 (CIV + 2 MIL)

Post by LifelinerOne »

Hi all!

My last topic from the Toulouse-area for now as we’re heading back home. Anyway, on the way back from Toulouse to our vacation home, I made a quick stop at Francazal again to see what’s new:

1. With the US-Bangla ATR gone from it’s spot, I was now able to take a picture of this Chengdu Airlines A320 F-WHUR. This Airbus (and a few others for them), has not been taken-up by the airline and is awaiting what to come at Francazal:
ImageA320-CHG-FWHUR-FRC28jul22 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

2. This CN-235 199/64-GL dropped in to visit the para regiment which is stationed at the airport. Heatwaves….
ImageCN235-FAF-199-FRC28jul22 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

3. There was also an A400M of the Armee de l’Air present on the far side at the military part of the airport but heatwaves were really bad. However, I was very lucky while driving home as the A400M did some very low-level flying in the area of Francazal. A quick stop at the side of the road just before the village Les Ajoulets (13 km from the airport) gave me this shot at only 200mm. Really cool to see such a beast (0122/F-RBAS) doing low-level flying between the hills and villages:
ImageA400M-FAF-122-FRC28jul22 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

And that was it!

Happy spotting and until next topic.

Cheers! :wave:
patrick dirksen
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Re: Toulouse-Francazal 28-07-2022 (CIV + 2 MIL)

Post by patrick dirksen »

That is indeed perfect timing (or luck) with that A.400!

Patrick Dirksen
Tristar Aviation
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