San Javier 30 May 2022

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Scramble Die-Hard
Scramble Die-Hard
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Subscriber Scramble: Frank Noort

San Javier 30 May 2022

Post by Frank »

Hi All

Spend to weeks in Spain on a holiday and made a one day trip to San Javier, the quite accessible training base near Murcia. Unfortunately, the conditions are much better when the wind is coming from the north because of the excellent spot near the line up of rwy05R. But rwy 23L was in use for the fast movers and Rwy23R for the slower T-35s.

Take off pictures at rwy23L can be taken from next to the campsite "Mar Menor" but the rwy 23R is too far to make anything decent of the Pillans.

When I arrived, Patrula Aquila just went out for training. Later there were some single missions with C101s. Almost all C101 will be refurbished to be used by Aguila, there will be no "old scheme" Casas anymore soon.

No luck with the new PC-21s, They did not fly any missions. Two new ones were delivered from the factory in Stans but as soon as they landed and took the first intersections which is out of reach for people on the outside od the base.

Note to self: Will only return when the use rwy 05!

Aquila by franknoort, on Flickr

by franknoort, on Flickr

by franknoort, on Flickr

by [url=]franknoort, on Flickr
Last edited by Frank on 04 Jun 2022, 19:28, edited 1 time in total.
Scramble Die-Hard
Scramble Die-Hard
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Re: San Javier 30 May 2022

Post by seahawk12 »

Nice Frank!!
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