Rhinos at Iniochos

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Rhinos at Iniochos

Post by nellis6 »

A little belatedly, but here's a few of the mighty F-4 Phantom at this year's Iniochos exercise. My full report can be found here http://www.jetwashaviationphotos.com/ex ... -2022.html
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Mike Green
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Re: Rhinos at Iniochos

Post by CBR »

Thanks for posting. Nice report. You had some sun. Unlike the guys on Thursday, Friday.

Good to see these operational Phantoms. When will they retire?
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Re: Rhinos at Iniochos

Post by nellis6 »

I was there all week and weather on the first day was much better in the afternoon than the remainder of the week. To be honest I didn't really bother taking any photos on the Media Day other than the couple of static aircraft. Pretty much all the images I kept were from Day 1. As to how much longer they stay around, who knows? They are down to just one squadron now and it can't be much longer before a replacement is sought. But what and when? HAF have looked at options but hopefully a few more years left in them
Mike Green
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Re: Rhinos at Iniochos

Post by Worldnis »

Thanks for posting these Mike, the latter part of the week was awful, I am still throwing shots away ... :roll:
Let's hope we get to see them 'once more' before the curtain falls.
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