Phoenix-Mesa Gateway 07-03-2022

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Scramble Senior
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Phoenix-Mesa Gateway 07-03-2022

Post by LifelinerOne »


After my meetings, I decided to have a look at Phoenix-Mesa Gateway. Left from the terminal is a field with a grass mound and some benches from where you can see all activities on the runway and general aviation parking spot.

Mesa-Gateway isn’t the busiest of airports but it is a base for Allegiant, so a good opportunity to catch a few of them. The airport is also frequently a stop for military traffic and I just missed a C-17 and two T-38s which were at Mesa for a lunch break and stayed on the ground for four hours.

Here are a few pictures:

1. Mesa Gateway also features some executive aviation traffic, like this Legacy 450 N427FX:
ImageE545-PVT-N427FX-AZA07mar22 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

2. You gotta love the background, making a picture of a regular Allegiant A320 like this N290NV a bit more interesting:
ImageA320-ALG-N290NV-AZA07mar22 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

3. There’s not much international traffic at Mesa but Swoop, the LCC-subsidiary of WestJet is an exception, seen here with B737-800 C-GYSD:
ImageB738-SWP-CGYSD-AZA07mar22 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

4. Nice little Canadian Beech C-GNAG:
ImageBE200-PVT-CGNAG-AZA07mar22 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

5. And I end this set with this Cessna 525C CJ4 N679TC:
ImageCE525-PVT-N679TC-AZA07mar22 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

You can see the whole set at: ... 973456693/

Cheers! :wave:
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