KADW Andrews AFB Feburary 2021

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KADW Andrews AFB Feburary 2021

Post by fire28 »

Image87-0277_2.5.21 by usertim1683, on Flickr

Image86-0369_2.5.21 by usertim1683, on Flickr
369 sporting a new Have Glass scheme.

Image86-0362_2.5.21 by usertim1683, on Flickr
362 also wearing a Have Glass scheme.

Image18-1942_2.5.21 by usertim1683, on Flickr
New Arrival last year, 18-1942.

Image99-0169_2.5.21 by usertim1683, on Flickr

Image76-0168_2.5.21 by usertim1683, on Flickr
76-0168 which seems to be a new resident for the last few months with the 1st AS.
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Re: KADW Andrews AFB Feburary 2021

Post by Trabanti »

Very nice, thanks for sharing! Which runway end was this? Is it at a publicly accessible spot?

Rome has Bufalotta, Arizona has alotta BUFF..
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Re: KADW Andrews AFB Feburary 2021

Post by fire28 »

Been a slow month. Here's a few recent ones.

Image76-0164_2.23.21 by usertim1683, on Flickr
76-0164 seen returning from a local training flight. Currently flying with the 1st AS.

Image18-46051_2.23.21 by usertim1683, on Flickr
18-46051 my now most photographed KC-46 (5 times in 2021 at ADW)

Image17-46027_2.23.21 by usertim1683, on Flickr
17-46027 returning from a training flight off the coast of Virginia as RCH01. This bird use to wear beautiful full Altus markings... now its supposedly operating with the 22nd ARW at McConnell.

Image165315_AX315_2.23.21 by usertim1683, on Flickr
Lastly is the mystery.... VMGR-452 KC-130T 165315 seen returning immediately after take off as Navy Alpha X-Ray 315, a ADW based VR-53 callsign. Not sure if this is a loaner, new bird for them, or what. I can't seem to find when it even arrived at ADW.
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Re: KADW Andrews AFB Feburary 2021

Post by fire28 »

A few from today.

Image03-3117_RCH877_2.24.21 by usertim1683, on Flickr

Image01-0015_2.24.21 by usertim1683, on Flickr

Image87-0277_2.24.21 by usertim1683, on Flickr

Image86-0289_2.24.21 by usertim1683, on Flickr

Image87-0320_2.24.21 by usertim1683, on Flickr

Image87-0312_2.24.21 by usertim1683, on Flickr
This one recently made its presence known. Not sure how long the 121st has had it.

Image163836_2.24.21 by usertim1683, on Flickr
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