Philadelphia PHL May 21 2020 Civ/Mil

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Scramble Die-Hard
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Philadelphia PHL May 21 2020 Civ/Mil

Post by VH3D »

Couple of hours spent at PHL. Not much going on. There was a Minnesota ANG C-130 on a loan to Delaware practicing T&G, flying as Castle 05.











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Re: Philadelphia PHL May 21 2020 Civ/Mil

Post by F17_114PM »

Nice looking Hercy and some interesting freighters.
Thank you :)
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frank kramer
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Re: Philadelphia PHL May 21 2020 Civ/Mil

Post by frank kramer »

In your words and opinion, there might not have been a lot going on, but over here we don't see that many pictures from over there... So, a welcome and interesting addition! What's the story behind the US Airways A320? Is that one of the birds that once landed with nose gear problems?
Frank Kramer

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Re: Philadelphia PHL May 21 2020 Civ/Mil

Post by VH3D »

That US Airways A320 had tail strike back in 2013 or 14 (don't remember exact time). It had structural damage, beyond repair. It's been at PHL since the accident, but it was wrapped in a blue foil before. Over the years the foil came off. Here is my shot of this bird from back in 2016.

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frank kramer
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Re: Philadelphia PHL May 21 2020 Civ/Mil

Post by frank kramer »

Frank Kramer

Always going forward... still can't find reverse!
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