Greenville Airport MA 6/9/19

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ImageThis is the forum to share your recent aviation photos with the rest of the community, being photos not older than six months at the moment of topic opening. Theme-based topics, not about recent events, should go into the sub-forum.
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Scramble Rookie
Scramble Rookie
Posts: 73
Joined: 26 Feb 2015, 19:17
Subscriber Scramble: Ian Reynolds

Greenville Airport MA 6/9/19

Post by Ian531 »

A full report from here

ImageN580DD Cessna 182 (Floats) by ian531531, on Flickr

ImageN150KC Cessna 150 by ian531531, on Flickr

ImageN4896E Cessna 185 (Floats) by ian531531, on Flickr

ImageN713BA ICON Aircraft A5 by ian531531, on Flickr

ImageN9401P Piper PA-18 Super Cub by ian531531, on Flickr

ImageN663GG Cessna 337G Super Skymaster by ian531531, on Flickr

ImageN78BL Cessna 185 (Floats) by ian531531, on Flickr

ImageN826DE Zenith Zenair CH750 STOL (Floats) by ian531531, on Flickr

ImageC-GWLC Cessna 185 (Floats) by ian531531, on Flickr

ImageN158PM Cessna 172 (Floats) by ian531531, on Flickr

ImageN247T Cessna 180 by ian531531, on Flickr

ImageN150JP Turbine Cubs PA-18 Replica by ian531531, on Flickr

ImageN71RJ Seawind 3000 by ian531531, on Flickr

ImageN71RJ Seawind 3000 by ian531531, on Flickr

ImageN8549A Lake LA-250 Renegade by ian531531, on Flickr

ImageN2665Z Bellanca Citabria by ian531531, on Flickr

ImageN8726V Bellanca Citabria by ian531531, on Flickr

ImageN515DC Rans S.7 Courier by ian531531, on Flickr

ImageN1711 Smith DSA-1 Miniplane by ian531531, on Flickr

1958 vintage Cessna 172
ImageN6113E Cessna 172 by ian531531, on Flickr

ImageN11PF DHC-2 Beaver (Floats) Perfect Fit LLC by ian531531, on Flickr

A few more of the two stars
ImageNC2633 Lockheed 12A Electra Junior by ian531531, on Flickr

ImageNC2633 Lockheed 12A Electra Junior by ian531531, on Flickr

ImageNC2633 Lockheed 12A Electra Junior by ian531531, on Flickr

ImageNC2633 Lockheed 12A Electra Junior by ian531531, on Flickr

ImageN130Q Douglas DC-3 (C-53) Fulsome Air Service by ian531531, on Flickr

ImageN130Q Douglas DC-3 (C-53) Fulsome Air Service by ian531531, on Flickr

ImageN130Q Douglas DC-3 (C-53) Fulsome Air Service by ian531531, on Flickr

Hopefully when the DC-3 is restored it will be fitted with it's floats
ImageDC-3 Floats by ian531531, on Flickr
N9164Q	Beech Bonanza	
N9750C	Beech Bonanza	
N2665Z	Bellanca Citabria	
N8726V	Bellanca Citabria	
N150KC	Cessna 150	
N8019F	Cessna 150	
N906NU	Cessna 150	
N8958V	Cessna 172	
N9585V	Cessna 172	
N5288T	Cessna 172	
N736UP	Cessna 172	
N96809	Cessna 172	
N4261L	Cessna 172	
N6113E	Cessna 172	
N158PM	Cessna 172 (Floats)	
N247T	Cessna 180	
N9995N	Cessna 180	
N66764	Cessna 180	
N5175P	Cessna 182	
N91651	Cessna 182	
N731MC	Cessna 182	
N580DD	Cessna 182 (Floats)	
N784AW	Cessna 185	
N10JV	Cessna 185	
N3385L	Cessna 185	
N1595F	Cessna 185	
N4896E	Cessna 185 (Floats)	
N78BL	Cessna 185 (Floats)	
C-GWLC	Cessna 185 (Floats)	
N156KC	Cessna 185 (Floats)	
N663GG	Cessna 337G Super Skymaster	
N947DR	Czech PiperSport	
N107CT	Denney Kitfox Light Sport	
N11PF	DHC-2 Beaver (Floats) Perfect Fit LLC
N130Q	Douglas DC-3 (C-53) Fulsome Air Service
N713BA	ICON Aircraft A5	
N8408T	Lake LA-250 Renegade	
N8549A	Lake LA-250 Renegade	
NC2633	Lockheed 12A Electra Junior	
N25XX	Mooney M.20J	
N30580	Piper J-3C-65 Cub	
N75107	Piper J-3C-65 Cub	
N9401P	Piper PA-18 Super Cub	
N8150X	Piper PA-28 Archer	
N350ML	Piper PA-28 Archer	
N55458	Piper PA-28 Cherokee	
N1144D	Progressive Aerodyne Stingray	
N515DC	Rans S.7 Courier	
N71RJ	Seawind 3000	
N1711	Smith DSA-1 Miniplane	
N150JP	Turbine Cubs PA-18 Replica	
N924RV	Vans RV-7	
N826DE	Zenith Zenair CH750 STOL (Floats)
Loads more here - virtually one of each from the above list plus lots more of the DC-3 and Electra ... 792763306/

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Re: Greenville Airport MA 6/9/19

Post by EC »

Nice series, also at the lake, thanks for showing!

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