We were planning to do some mountain biking in the alps, but sadly the bike rentals were closed.
So for that we went to the base on monday for 2 hours. We didn't go to a good location as we had to walk, so sadly we got backlight here.
Luckily there was a Hercules doing some patterns today.
Pics from wednesday will follow soon hopefully


2. Trying to get some pics with good sun turned out like this.

3. Another one with better sun, shot when the Hercules went for a left hand pattern.

4. One of the 3 F-16Ds at Aviano.


6. F-16 in the break pretty much right above me

Bonus shot: The base could be seen from the mountains. Altough we didn't go that high (because we had to walk), you can clearly see the control tower and shelters.

Hope you enjoyed these.
Hoping that the shots from wednesday turned out better.