My homebase is Weeze/Niederrhein airport (NRN/EDLV), even though I live in the Netherlands, this is the closest airport to me (only 30 minutes with the bike).
I only started being a spotter this year in June, so I haven't seen a lot of aircraft yet, but here is my top ten of NRN

I've based my opinion mainly on the aircraft and photo itself.
Starting with number 10, we have this beautiful private jet, the bombardier Global 6000, as it is starting it's engines.

Number 9 is reserved for this gorgeous, though fully white, Classic 737-300, vacating the runway via taxiway Alpha.

At number 8 we have this USAF Europe C-21A, standing on the GAT.

Moving to number 7, this beautiful Police helicopter was taxiing out of the GAt after a refueling stop

At number 6 is this flight trainer, with some nice lighting

As more military visitors came, I got to see this awesome falcon 50 of the Italian air Force and it deserves the number 5 spot.

At number 4 another Italian Air Force aircraft, the Piaggio P180

Number 3: Great light and I simply love corporate jets. This was also my first picture that I've uploaded on

This amazing Czech L-410. Not only the aircraft is beautiful, also the livery is an amazing one in my opinion. combine this with the beautiful light and background and that gives me the number 2.

Finally at number it definetely has to be the A400M of the German Air Force. It has visited the airport 5 times in a short time and therefore I do have several pictures of it.

And the most beautiful being:

I do have some honorable mentions, which were not made at NRN airport.
Of course these 2 A-10s at Sainte Mère Église were amazing to see

A sea king at the BAF days was in some nice lighting too

The allmighty KDC-10, together with some F-16s

The falcon autumn training at Deelen air base got me some German Army NH90s

An awesome trip to London got me the Korean A380

Back to Sainte Mère Église we have this Dakota, which is still an awesome plane.

Italian Eurofighter Typhoons at Volkel, which is my second homebase.

And last but not least, the Blackhawks of the US Army arriving at Eindhoven.

It was a nice year for me, especially for the first year of spotting.
I wish you all a happy new year and happy spotting next year!!