Some F-16s at Volkel

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Scramble Addict
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Type of spotter: Military photography
Subscriber Scramble: Zonan Adolfse
Location: Between Volkel and Weeze

Some F-16s at Volkel

Post by Zonan »

spent a few hours at Volkel today to see some F-16 power :)
Sadly I missed the second wave of 4 F-16s because my bus was leaving :/
I will try it again tomorrow and will last a little longer to see all 3 waves and also make some night shots if possible.

J-642 is waiting for the takeoff clearance together with the J-020
ImageJ-642 by Zonan Adolfse, on Flickr

finally they departed, couldn't get the J-020 with a good shot due to heatwaves of the J-642 departure
ImageJ-642 by Zonan Adolfse, on Flickr

ImageJ-642 by Zonan Adolfse, on Flickr

ImageJ-020 by Zonan Adolfse, on Flickr

J-020 performed a go around which sounded amazing :) after that it landed and got me this photo
ImageJ-020 by Zonan Adolfse, on Flickr

Around 16:30 we heard some taxiing planes again, it were the same 2 aircraft again, and later 2 others joined them for an amazing 1 by 1 by 1 by 1 takeoff. Pure power!
ImageJ-642 by Zonan Adolfse, on Flickr

Regards, Zonan
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Re: Some F-16s at Volkel

Post by tally »

Love Volkel. Good memories for sure. First notes from Volkel in my database are from 1989. Getting old.

Great pictures. However a little soft. Not sure of your camera, setting, and lighting conditions. Perhaps you should try to shoot shutter priority, and if you already do, try a higher shutter speed. This will often provide a better quality picture.

I use a Canon 7D mkII with a 100-400mm mkII lens. I shoot typically around 1/1000th of a sec for fast jets, 1/320-400th for prop (or lower), and go down to 1/60th for props on the ground (or lower). Of course it depends on the weather too. If its cloudy/rainy than you have to adjust your shutter speed lower accordingly.

Anywho, Keep it up and enjoy. I certainly miss the days Volkel sent up 20+ Vipers a wave.

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Alpha Kilo One
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Re: Some F-16s at Volkel

Post by Alpha Kilo One »

I think you mean 20+ per day?
"Nix bliev wie it es"
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