Remains of EP-1577 at Pauluknys - LIT who can help?

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Remains of EP-1577 at Pauluknys - LIT who can help?

Post by GerritsFinest »

At mentioned airfield I found the remains of EP-1577 on 31-7-2013. Also floats were on the same spot and a large part with titles Ejercito (in red) on it. So far not able to identify the original aircraft, who can help?
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Re: Remains of EP-1577 at Pauluknys - LIT who can help?

Post by ze341 »

Hi, it might have been a Helio Couriesr H295 belonging to Ejercito del Peru.
The 2017/18 World Airforces Dir by Ian Carroll shows
EP-1572 to EP-1576 , so it could be the next one.

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Re: Remains of EP-1577 at Pauluknys - LIT who can help?

Post by EvD »

The H391B of the Peruvian ejercito were EP-1570 to EP-1574.
But the markings seem to point to Ejercito del Peru, and not all is known of said force in the sixties...
best regards,
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