Brussels 7 April 2018

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Brussels 7 April 2018

Post by EC »

A nice sunny day brought me to Brussels to catch up on the movements there.

The early bird catches the worm



From the landing I went to the new viewing platform along 25L, it is not finished yet, the opening is planned for April 17th, but it is already accessible.







I liked he platform a lot, for A320/B737 the distance is good. Bigger machines will have the top of the fence in the picture.

Therefore back to the landing for the Zayed Tripple

Then for take-offs from Abelag


Because I like the Thai A350, a second picture

This one escaped because it landed 25R, got this shot during take-off. By this time the clouds had moved in.

Hope you enjoyed the mix

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Re: Brussels 7 April 2018

Post by CJ »

cracking shots, Eddy !
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Re: Brussels 7 April 2018

Post by EHAM »

I liked he platform a lot, for A320/B737 the distance is good. Bigger machines will have the top of the fence in the picture.
That is quite disapponting. I thought this was checked and measured with some of the local spotters before construction works began.
Joost de Wit
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