Madrid-Barajas 30-03-2018

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Madrid-Barajas 30-03-2018

Post by LifelinerOne »

Hej everybody,

work brought me to Madrid and of course I used the oppertunity to also add some spotting time. It was my first time at Madrid after a pause of twenty years. I must say, a really nice airport, as I photographed 166 new aircraft. However, photography was a challenge at Madrid due to the direction of operations, harsh light and lots of heat haze. Also, spotting in the afternoon near 32L proved quite difficult as security chased me away from several points. Spotting near the fence for famous shots on the ground near Terminal 1 was also not possible due to security chasing me away. So, that meant I mainly sticked to the mount at Barajas.

Here's my selection of this day spotting.

1. I start out with this B787-8 ET-AOS of Ethiopian Airlines, taxiing after landing on 32R towards Terminal 1/2/3:
ImageB788-ETH-ETAOS-MAD30mar18 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

2. Of course lots of Iberia colored planes like this CRJ-1000 EC-MNQ from Air Nostrum/Iberia Regional with additional stickers:
ImageCRJ1000-NOS-ECMNQ-MAD30mar18 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

3. The ATR72s of Air Nostrum/Iberia Regional, like this EC-LSQ, are flying in retro colors :)
ImageATR72-NOS-ECLSQ-MAD30mar18 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

4. I haven't catched an A321 of Iberia Express before, like this EC-JDM:
ImageA321-IBX-ECJDM-MAD30mar18 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

5. Etihad is flying to Madrid with the B787-9, like this A6-BLM, which also sports additional TMALL-stickers:
ImageB789-ETI-A6BLM-MAD30mar18 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

6. Swift Air B737-400SF EC-MEY is flying in a partial DHL-livery:
ImageB734-SWF-ECMEY-MAD30mar18 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

7. Another Iberia-retro was this A319 EC-KBX:
ImageA319-IBE-ECKBX-MAD30mar18 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

8. Madrid-Barajas is naturally the place to be for catching Iberia widebodies like this A330-300 EC-LXK:
ImageA333-IBE-ECLXK-MAD30mar18 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

9. Air Nostrum/Iberia Regional are also flying with several CRJ200s which are, like this EC-HPR, quite white:
ImageCRJ2-NOS-ECHPR-MAD30mar18 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

10. This is how I remember photographing Iberia planes at Madrid twenty years ago; with faded colors like on this CRJ900 EC-JZU:
ImageCRJ9-NOS-ECJZU-MAD30mar18 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

11. Barajas is also the place for catching Spanish airlines like Wamos Air, Evelop and Plus Ultra. Here's A340-300 EC-MFA with additional Cubana-titles:
ImageA343-PLS-ECMFA-MAD30mar18-2 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

12. Quite a new type for Air China is the Boeing 787-9, like this B-1468 seen here on its way back to Beijing:
ImageB789-CAA-B1468-MAD30mar18 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

13. Heat haze ruined shot of LATAM B787-9 CC-BGK, but it was my first one...:
ImageB789-LAT-CCBGK-MAD30mar18 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

14. Swift Air is operating several ATR72s for Air Europa, like this EC-LYB, flying in Swift Air colors, but with Air Europa-titles:
ImageATR72-AEA-ECLYB-MAD30mar18 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

15. Also quite new for operating B787s is Saudia. Here's -9 HZ-ARC:
ImageB789-SVA-HZARC-MAD30mar18 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

16. My first photographed Volotea plane is this A319 EC-MUC:
ImageA319-VOL-ECMUC-MAD30mar18 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

17. Ah, finally I catched my first Wamos Air Boeing 747-400 after missing them often when they visited Schiphol:
ImageB744-WMS-ECKXN-MAD30mar18 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

18. The afternoon flight of CSA was operated by my first Boeing B737MAX8, OK-SWA of Travel Service, flying in Smartwings-livery:
ImageB738M-SMW-OKSWA-MAD30mar18 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

19. Definitely my personal highlight of the day! Cubana IL-96-300 CU-Y1250:
ImageIL96-CUB-CUT1250-MAD30mar18 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

20. AeroMexico is flying with the B787-8, like XA-AMR, to Madrid-Barajas:
ImageB788-AMX-XAAMR-MAD30mar18 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

21. This Orbest A330-300 CS-TRH was operating for Evelop:
ImageA333-ORB-CSTRH-MAD30mar18 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

22. Air Europa recently took delivery of their first B787-9s, like this EC-MTI:
ImageB789-AEA-ECMTI-MAD30mar18 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

23. The shorter Dreamliner-variant of Air Europa, like EC-MOM, was also present:
ImageB788-AEA-ECMOM-MAD30mar18 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

24. Nice to catch this A319 5B-DCU of Cobalt Airlines:
ImageA319-COB-5BDCU-MAD30mar18 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

25. Iberia A340-600s could also be spotted, like this EC-LEV:
ImageA346-IBE-ECLEV-MAD30mar18 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

26. I started this day with no B737MAX-plane on a picture and ended up with two. The second being this LOT SP-LVA:
ImageB738M-LOT-SPLVA-MAD30mar18 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

27. This Evelop A330-300 EC-LXA was operating for Avianca on the route to Cali:
ImageA333-EVL-ECLXA-MAD30mar18 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

28. And I end this set with another highlight; A340-300 LV-FPV of Aerolineas Argentinas in the Skyteam-livery:
ImageA343-ARG-LVFPV-MAD30mar18 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

I hope you liked them, even with the heat haze in some of them. If you want to see all 166 pictures, please take a look at ... 341104695/

Cheers! :wave:
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Re: Madrid-Barajas 30-03-2018

Post by andynorthwest »

nice shots

got one or two of them when they was in man egcc uk

andy northwest uk
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