Berlin TXL - January 2018

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Berlin TXL - January 2018

Post by Luzifer-RN »

I was in January only 2 times at my home airport in Tegel, because the weather was grey and bad.. :)

First session was at 2018-01-06, pictures were taken from the "French Village", there is a small crash gate. ;)

Alitalia Airbus A320 EI-DSY


Qatar Boeing B777-300 A7-BAU


First Bizzie of the year, Netjets Cessna 560XL Citation XLS CS-DXK


"LOF" is in the Air.. :) Turkish Airlines A330 TC-LOF


Great surprise, was many times before in TXL, but I still missed the "Pull & Bear" Livery.
Iberia Express Airbus A320 EC-LYE


Next new airline and their first picture in daylight for me. ;) Joon by AF, Airbus A320 F-GKXY


And, of course, the "Pull & Bear"Logojet on its way back to Spain.


Second session of the year was on a very cold sunday. On 2018-01-14 AZAL flew the last time in Winter to Baku and upgraded their Flight to a 767.

It was very dark, when it arrived, but I tried. ;) First showable pic of the day was the Joon again.

Joon by AF, Airbus A320 F-GKXR


Then I decided to go by bike to the terminal for the departure of the 767.

But first I caught the newest german airline "Sundair" at beautiful morning light. ;)

Sundair Airbus A320 D-ASEF


And then the perfect departure of the AZAL Boeing B767-300 4K-AZ82


And the last one for that day, my first Easyjet in Tegel. ;)

Airbus A320 G-EZTH



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Re: Berlin TXL - January 2018

Post by EC »

Good pictures!

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