I'm unsure whether this is the appropriate location for a log (and surprised I cannot find any other log of this show on the board), but anyways:
Been to Radom airshow last weekend. Although the static was considerably less crowded than two years ago, still managed to collect a nice set of aircraft. The numbers below are straight from the notebook, and will probably contain typo's and omissions. So please, share your feedback!
Log airshow Radom, 22nd of August, approx. 11:30 until 14:00.
Western static line, in order from entrance to runway 0901 W-3 606 Mi8 1011 Mi14 634 Mi8 0211 M-28 3H-FF PC-7 1303 MiG29 5301 L-39 6807 MiG21 46-35 Tor 30-42 EF2K XX339 CK Hawk Flightline at Western runway end: 11x MB-339 Helicopter flightline between crowdline and runway, western end, from West to East: 6613 SW-4 6604 SW-4 HE.25-15 78-34 EC-120 HE.25-7 78-26 EC-120 HE.25-11 78-30 EC-120 HE.25-14 78-33 EC-120 HE.25-3 78-22 EC-120 HE.25-4 78-23 EC-120 7358 Mi24 P6 T-129 'Tent camp on center of airfield': SP-YYX Yak SP-YZL PZL-130 7447/SP-MLP An2 SP-NEU DA-42 42N137 Flightline between crowdline and runway, eastern end, from West to East: 0910 W-3 0903 W-3 SP-KSA An2 SP-AIR Cub SP-AWP Cub SP-AHY Wilga SP-AFY 39 Cub 636 Mi8 1014 W-3 0501 W-3 Flightline on remote side of runway, eastern end: TS-11 L-39 4x EA-300 RJF 5x T-17 Baby Blue 5x L-39 Baltic Bees Flightline eastern end, East to West: MiG29 SlovakAF 114 MiG29 PWL MiG29 PWL 2x Rafale 2x F-16 HAF 2x F-16 BLu -23 ef-2k AMI 8x C-101 7?x F-5 PArtrouille Suisse, one aircraft in 'normal' colours (J-3077) got me so intrigued I forgot to complete my count...Grtz,Opposite this flightline a single aircraft was parked: 6487 Mig21 Eastern platform near static: 037 PZL-130 030 PZL-130 040 PZL-130 050 PZL-130 1708 4 ts-11 0204 m-28 0210 m-28 Static line eastern side (East to West): SP-HXN EC-135 60-06 P-3 06 C-27 436 C-130 CSX62219 RS-50 C-27 2705 C-27 1504 C-130 011 C-295 053 Da20 01(bl) L-410 CE-04 135 Polish armed forces static: 305 Su22 1917 TS-11 041 PZL-130 3607 Mi2 4105 MiG29 4086 F-16 6623 SW-4 0617 W-3 163544 SH-2 731 Mi24 Sailplane camp: SP-2151 Z SP-3508 Z SP-EHG Zl26 SP-KWW Ce1 Hangar with historic aircraft: WD322/SP-YAC DHC-1 T-7280/SP-YAA DH-82 MT555?/SP-YHU Auster And behind the camo net: 052 PZL-130 PZL-130 Tow bar 019 PZL-130 PZL-130 M-28 Fly-by: 6x TS-11 6x SW-4 4x Mi2 4x W-3 4x Mi8 4x Mi24 4x M-28 3x c-295 2x c-295 flanking a single C-130 6x Su22 6x MiG29 6x F-16 I've not looked at the pictures yet, but I have little doubt I will have questions after watching these. Anyone with clear (and readable) pictures from these formations? Mopping up: 10x PZL-130 Stored in wraps 3x Guimbal Seen flying in the morning SP-TVN R.22 Flying (and crashing later that day)
Robert Weenk
(please credit when used)