Leeuwarden 8-6-2021 MIL updated

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Scramble Die-Hard
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Leeuwarden 8-6-2021 MIL updated

Post by seahawk12 »

Tuesday morning i left 6:30 hours home to watch the morning mission at Leeuwarden. Driving over "the afsluitdijk" dense fog and low clouds apeard.
Just 1 km before the airbase the clouds lifted and a very nice blue sky came through. With a light breeze from the east, runway 05 was in use. The first wave started around 9:00 hours with 2 Dutch F16 (J055 and J020), 4 Belgian F16 (FA126, FA94, FA127, FA130) and 2 F35 (F012, F015) within the hour the 8 fighters came back and 11:00 hours there was a second wave with 4 Dutch F16 (J871, J144, J882, J509) wind was changing that's why the second morning wave started from runway 27. Nice morning! some pictures;
And now with pictures without "dust" :-)
Last edited by seahawk12 on 13 Jun 2021, 14:15, edited 1 time in total.
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Alpha Kilo One
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Re: EHLW 8-6-2021 MIL

Post by Alpha Kilo One »

Can't wait to see the real pictures. These ones are "spoiled" by a quite large dust spot in the middle...... :D
"Nix bliev wie it es"
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Re: EHLW 8-6-2021 MIL

Post by seahawk12 »

I agree Apha Kilo One! Some time ago i uploaded the photo's , but that is not possible anymore? Please help/advice me which program to use, so i can upload photo's without "dust" :-)
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Alpha Kilo One
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Re: EHLW 8-6-2021 MIL

Post by Alpha Kilo One »

I was not blaming you. Let's be gentle to each other! Problem is solved, nice pictures they are!
"Nix bliev wie it es"
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