KNZY/NAS North Island April 2021 MIL + CIV

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KNZY/NAS North Island April 2021 MIL + CIV

Post by SBGrad »

April was mostly quiet, except for the week Vinson went out and we had 3 squadrons come down for CQ. VAQ-129 is down every couple months, VFA-106 comes out once or twice a year, but the mystery ships were the Growlers with NL-55x numbers and no other markings. We also saw a 1st Special Operations Squadron MC-130J dropping jumpers (presumably SEALs) in the south bay and one of the Riptide Learjets was carrying a towed target and reel-- not a common sight.







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Re: KNZY/NAS North Island April 2021 MIL + CIV

Post by Oscar01 »

wow, that last one is nice!
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Re: KNZY/NAS North Island April 2021 MIL + CIV

Post by SBGrad »

Hey thanks for the comment!

Here's the story behind the shot:

This is the time of year when we have the marine layer that comes and goes, so getting pix with blue skies will be a bit harder until mid-July. All of the shots shown above are from the 21st to the 24th, and there wasn't much sun. Anyway, Viking 522 had shut down on the runway a couple days before I took this photo, telling the tower that he had hot brakes. He got off the runway on his own power, but the day I got this shot, three days later, he declared an emergency 10 miles out, telling the tower he was worried about the brakes. This day they were landing all the aircraft on runway 18, but 18 did not have the short field gear rigged. Runway 27 DID have the gear rigged, so 522 was the only jet to recover over Dog Beach this day. They rolled the crash trucks, 522 put their hook down and snagged the gear. There was no fire, but they did ask for a tow back to the T-Line.

I got close to a dozen shots of 522 on final, but this frame was the only one that showed off the blue visor of the backseater.
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