Thai Bell 412 + question

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Thai Bell 412 + question

Post by eriktex »

I made a pic of this Thai Bell 412 at Don Muang on Friday 10th of January 2020 at the arrivals day / children's day:


Serial presentation on these helo's is not that easy to read off - small font and obviously the Thai language does not help:


As far as I can decipher it should be Bell 412EP with serial H6Ng-6/46. Code is more difficult - it seems to be something like 36xxx.

Anyone around who could shine a light on this (help/confirm)? Scramble database has this one last noted as March 2014...

Thanks a lot in advance,

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Re: Thai Bell 412 + question

Post by AndyMarden »

36303 (aircraft's c/n)
Scramble Die-Hard
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Re: Thai Bell 412 + question

Post by VH3D »

That's the numbers I'm coming up with from the side picture.

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Re: Thai Bell 412 + question

Post by eriktex »

OK great... thanks!
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