EHAM/NL in the snow - from the air!

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EHAM/NL in the snow - from the air!

Post by Derice »

Last week I've arranged for a small aircraft to make a scenic flight above NL & Schiphol in the snow.

A video of the flight can be watched here:

#1 - Schiphol Oost

#2 - Airbus A330 from above

#3 - Jungle jet in the snow

#4 - Blue gates

#5 - Spot the one that stands out.

#6 - E190 just landed on runway 06

#7 - Heavy gates

#8 - Ice is growning near Vinkeveen

#9 - Typically Dutch view from above

#10 - Volendam

More pictures from NL in the snow can be found here: ... en-winter/
More snowy Schiphol picutres to be viewed here: ... en-winter/
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Re: EHAM/NL in the snow - from the air!

Post by Bennie »

:respect: :worship: Fabulous!
Too bad everything turned green again overnight! :cry:
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Re: EHAM/NL in the snow - from the air!

Post by seahawk12 »

Nice pictures Arnoud!! Thanks for sharing!
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Re: EHAM/NL in the snow - from the air!

Post by Derice »

Thanks! It was great (and very cold!) to make them.
Too bad the snow is gone. But than again... that makes it unique!
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Re: EHAM/NL in the snow - from the air!

Post by Miguel van der Loos »

Nice pictures Arnoud.
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