KNZY/Naval Air Station North Island 22 Sept 2020 MIL/CIV

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KNZY/Naval Air Station North Island 22 Sept 2020 MIL/CIV

Post by SBGrad »

This was only the 2nd time in over 10 years I've caught somebody lifting off from Runway One One. The 747 wouldn't be able to make the turn to avoid Pt Loma if it had used Two Nine, so it made a downwind take off and took off towards the town. The C-17 came in from Bangor, which is where the 747 was headed. A legacy Hornet on a test hop after coming out of the rework facility and VRM-30's only CODsprey rounded out the afternoon.




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Re: KNZY/Naval Air Station North Island 22 Sept 2020 MIL/CIV

Post by Chrissly69 »

Now that are the colours that should be on an osprey. Very nice!!
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Re: KNZY/Naval Air Station North Island 22 Sept 2020 MIL/CIV

Post by SBGrad »

I'd be happier if it had squadron colors on it, but it seems they are taking their time with that. Even as is, it is much nicer looking that the USMC Ospreys. They came in pretty late in the day, so the sun was really helping with this shot.
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