Due to an appointment in the neighbourhood I had the possibility and time to do some spotting. First time at the fence of an airport since February... Nothing really special, but there were some nice surprises.
1. Global Express D-AAHB awaiting its passengers.

2. Already captured this one at Copenhagen last year, but always nice, Icelandair's B757-300 TF-ISX in the 100 years Iceland-livery:

3. Good to see Emirates back with passenger-flights at Schiphol. The B777-300ER A6-EGQ was a nice change of the normal A380s, which are to return next month.

4. Best catch of the day was this Falcon 7X 607 of the Hungarian Air Force. Came in from Brussels and did a very nice break to runway 22 from the aproach to runway 27:

5. And I end this short set with this extra long A350-1000 A7-ANE of Qatar in the Oneworld-livery:

Hope you liked them!