Opa Locka 23-02-2020

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Opa Locka 23-02-2020

Post by LifelinerOne »

Then it was off to Opa Locka, a few miles North of Miami-International. As it was Sunday, it was not busy with people at the airport, so I was not bothered when driving around and stopping at the fences for some photos.

1. Opa Locka has a small storage area when entering the airport. The first plane captured there is this World Atlantic Airlines MD-83 N809TR, which wears the basic livery, but no titles yet.
ImageMD83-WAA-N809TR-OPF23feb20 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

2. This MD-83 N861ZX is a former Allegiant Air aircraft:
ImageMD83-ALG-N861ZX-OPF23feb20 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

3. There have been two An-12s at Opa Locka for years. One of them, this UK-12005 of SRX has recently been painted all white and has no outer markings anymore:
ImageAN12-SRX-UK12005-OPF23feb20 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

4. There were also two former PAWA Dominicana MD-83s, one of them is this N724SH:
ImageMD83-PAW-N724SH-OPF23feb20 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

5. The other resident An-12 is this AeroVis Airlines UR-CPT:
ImageAn12-AVS-URCPT-OPF23feb20 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

6. B707 N88ZL is also a long-time resident of the airport and will probably never fly again:
ImageB707-PVT-N88ZL-OPF23feb20 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

7. B737-300 N390US was previously XA-VIX of Viva Aerobus and now stored at Opa Locka:
ImageB733-VBS-N390US-OPF23feb20 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

8. The other PAWA MD-83 is this N723SH and as you can see, it was being worked on on this Sunday:
ImageMD83-PAW-N723SH-OPF23feb20 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

9. This Astra SP YV1771 looks quite good, but reported as being stored here:
ImageIAI1125-PVT-YV1771-OPF23feb20 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

10. Former American Airlines B757-200 N604AA has been at Opa Locka for a year and is owned by the Bank of Utah:
ImageB752-AAL-N604AA-OPF23feb20 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

11. Nice Beech 200 YV2780 from Venezuela:
ImageBE200-PVT-YV2780-OPF23feb20 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

12. Former Southwest B737-300 N359SW was seen at the maintenance hangar:
ImageB733-SWA-N359SW-OPF23feb20 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

13. Stored at the apron near the maintenance hangar is this E120 N950RR of Transcarga Venezuela:
ImageE120-TRC-N950RR-OPF23feb20 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

14. Also present was Eastern Air Lines B767-300ER N703KW:
ImageB763-EAL-N703KW-OPF23feb20 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

15. One of the more exotic bizzers was this Falcon 50EX XB-QAJ:
ImageDA50-PVT-XBQAJ-OPF23feb20 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

16. Anyone any idea about which Gulfstream this is?
ImageG4-PVT-UNK-OPF23feb20 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

17. Citation YV2855 is also stored here:
ImageCE550-PVT-YV2855-OPF23feb20 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

18. Another parked Brasilia is this all white N950JV:
ImageE120-UNK-N950JV-OPF23feb20 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

19. The only picture I could take of this G-II YV569T:
ImageG2-PVT-YV569T-OPF23feb20 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

And that was it. You can see all 33 pictures in this album; https://www.flickr.com/photos/lifeliner ... 686153668/

Cheers! :wave:
Last edited by LifelinerOne on 23 Mar 2020, 11:09, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Opa Locka 23-02-2020

Post by f4phantom »

Thanks for posting these pictures, An12 and B707 :worship:
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Re: Opa Locka 23-02-2020

Post by ErwinS »

G-IV = N831XA
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Re: Opa Locka 23-02-2020

Post by cyclingdutchman »

ErwinS wrote:G-IV = N831XA
N211DK G1159C cn 1078 coloursheme
G-DNVT G1159C Shell Europe

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Re: Opa Locka 23-02-2020

Post by F17_114PM »

Following picture
10. Former American Airlines B757-200 N604AA has been at Opa Locka for a year and is owned by the Bank of Utah
is missing.
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Re: Opa Locka 23-02-2020

Post by LifelinerOne »

F17_114PM wrote:Nice!
Following picture
10. Former American Airlines B757-200 N604AA has been at Opa Locka for a year and is owned by the Bank of Utah
is missing.
Fixed it! Thanks.

Thanks also for the info about the G-IV!
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