Ramstein AFB 30-12-2019

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ImageThis is the forum to share your recent aviation photos with the rest of the community, being photos not older than six months at the moment of topic opening. Theme-based topics, not about recent events, should go into the sub-forum.
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Scramble Addict
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Type of spotter: Military photography
Subscriber Scramble: Zonan Adolfse
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Ramstein AFB 30-12-2019

Post by Zonan »

Took a chance to go to Ramstein today in some great weather.
The day was pretty quiet, but at least the E-8 flew :)
Sadly I didn't bring my ladder so the hill does make photography quite tricky.

Image02-9111 by Zonan Adolfse, on Flickr

Image02-9111 by Zonan Adolfse, on Flickr

Image02-9111 by Zonan Adolfse, on Flickr

4. Valor21 did some local pattern work
Image84-0096 by Zonan Adolfse, on Flickr

Image84-0096 by Zonan Adolfse, on Flickr

6. The only C-17 departure we saw today
Image04-4128 by Zonan Adolfse, on Flickr

7. In the final minutes before the sun went down, the E-8 came back.
Image02-9111 by Zonan Adolfse, on Flickr

8. Really sad, but this was my "sharpest" image of the arrival. I still like it, but it's such a shame it's not sharp...
Image02-9111 by Zonan Adolfse, on Flickr

9. Luckily the arrival of Valor29 made up for the bad picture above 8)
Image01-0029 by Zonan Adolfse, on Flickr

Hope you liked those.
Regards, Zonan
Pics: https://www.flickr.com/photos/zonanadolfse/
Buccaneer S.2B
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Re: Ramstein AFB 30-12-2019

Post by Buccaneer S.2B »

Why's number 8 not sharp? Great capture, with the last rays of daylight, imho !

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Re: Ramstein AFB 30-12-2019

Post by Erik_7Xi »

Buccaneer S.2B wrote:Why's number 8 not sharp? Great capture, with the last rays of daylight, imho !
My guess is too slow a shutter speed ( 1/100th at ISO 100) for an aircraft that is approaching towards the camera?
Scramble Addict
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Subscriber Scramble: Zonan Adolfse
Location: Between Volkel and Weeze

Re: Ramstein AFB 30-12-2019

Post by Zonan »

Erik_7Xi wrote:
Buccaneer S.2B wrote:Why's number 8 not sharp? Great capture, with the last rays of daylight, imho !
My guess is too slow a shutter speed ( 1/100th at ISO 100) for an aircraft that is approaching towards the camera?
Yep, wrong settings and a bit of a shaking hand because we hd to run a bit for the C5 and then run back for the E8 :lol:
Pics: https://www.flickr.com/photos/zonanadolfse/
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Re: Ramstein AFB 30-12-2019

Post by gozoman »

Do you have a nice picture of the C5? I still want to visit Ramstein just to see a C5 fly.
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