We wanted to go to Spangdahlem wat first, but due to the crashed F-16 on tuesday the F-16s were grounded, so we chose to go to Nörvenich instead.
Had a nice day here, with 6 Eurofighters in the morning and 3 in the evening and some nice visitors.
SMASH21-23 flight were the first 3 Eurofighters.





When PACK11-13 flight were ready, the sun started breaking through

6. 31+04 was flying as PACK12, but rejected the takeoff.



9. About 10-15 minutes later the 31+04 pilot came back with the 30+54, a doubleseater, to race to the tanker as PACK12.

Between the departure and arrival of the morning mission, D-HSHG came in for some approaches as "Pirol 31". They took the term "low approach" a little too serious


PACK11 en SMASH21 flights returned via an initial.






The newest Global 6000 of the GAF came by for a touch and go as GAF689.

A UH-1 came by for a low pass after visiting Gilze Rijen earlier today.


After the UH-1, we went to Köln as we heard that an Antonov An-30 of the Ukrainian air force was there.
Sadly it was barely visible from any spotting location, so the result wasn't amazing...

The military apron was nicely visible with some globals and an A310.
Inside the hangar also were 2 globals.

Also spent a few minutes in the "golden hour".
22. Chinese Gulf 550.

23. Some Maltese registered Ryanairs are based at CGN too.

24. D-HDOM departed for a rescue mission as "Christoph 75"


A little log of Nörvenich:
callsign registration type:
31+46 EF2000 was outside for a few minutes around 08:55
09:20 Departure:
SMASH21 31+01 EF2000
SMASH22 30+99 EF2000T
SMASH23 31+47 EF2000
09:34 Departure:
PACK11 31+32 EF2000
PACK12 31+04 EF2000 Rejected takeoff.
PACK13 31+49 EF2000
09:56 Departure:
PACK12 30+54 EF2000T
11:00 - 11:20:
BPO31 D-HSHG EC-120 Bundespolizei did several touch and goes / low approaches.
11:50 Arrival (initial approach) :
PACK11 31+32 EF2000
PACK12 30+54 EF2000T
PACK13 31+49 EF2000
11:53 Arrival:
SMASH22 30+99 EF2000T
11:55 Arrival (initial approach) :
SMASH21 31+01 EF2000
SMASH23 31+47 EF2000
12:53 Arrival:
DIXI18 31+45 EF2000
GAF689 14+05 Global 6000 for a touch and go
14:30 Departure:
PACK31 31+06 EF2000
PACK32 31+47 EF2000
GAM7191 71+91 UH-1D low pass over threshold
Köln around 18:00:
Mil apron:
10+24 A310 MRTT German Air Force
14+03 Global 5000 German Air Force.
15+03 Airbus A319 German Air Force, tail only visible, the rest was behind the hangar.
14+02 Global 5000 German Air Force in the hangar.
14+0? Global 5000 German Air Force in the hangar too.
86 BLUE An-30 Ukrainian Air Force, in the back of the airport.
Regards, Zonan