Montreal-Trudeau 13 & 14-09-2019

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Montreal-Trudeau 13 & 14-09-2019

Post by LifelinerOne »


I was a little busy with family and work and not able to edit my last batch of pictures from Montreal. After a productive work-week, I had some time before flying back home. First on the late afternoon of Friday the 13th where the following nice items were captured:

1. Cute little DHC-8-300 C-GJNL of Hydro Quebec:
ImageDHC8-HDQ-CGJNL-YUL13sep19 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

2. A319 C-FZUH of Air Canada is flying in a retro-livery of Trans-Canada Air Lines. Looks really nice:
ImageA319-ACA-CFZUH-YUL13sep19 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

Next day, Saturday 14 September started with really crappy weather :(

1. Heavy rain prevented from taking a better picture of this DHC-8-300 C-GVPA of PAL Airlines:
ImageDHC8-PAL-CGVPA-YUL14sep19 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

2. Off to better weather is this InterJet A320 XA-VFI:
ImageA320-ITJ-XAVFI-YUL14sep19 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

3. WestJet doesn't have that many B737-600s left in the fleet so C-GPWS was a nice addition to the collection:
ImageB736-WST-CGPWS-YUL14sep19 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

4. Not the nice livery as on the one from last week, ERJ145 N842HK of Trans States Airlines rolling-out on the runway:
ImageE145-TSA-N842HK-YUL14sep19 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

5. My first B787 of RAM is this B787-8 CN-RGB:
ImageB788-RAM-CNRGB-YUL14sep19 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

6. Another first one... :oops: Austrian widebody aircraft, this in the form of B767-300/ER OE-LAY:
ImageB763-AUA-OELAY-YUL14sep19 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

7. Air Transat also operates a fleet of five B737-800s, like this C-GTQF:
ImageB738-TSC-CGTQF-YUL14sep19 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

8. And another first for me, Tunisair A330-200 TS-IFM:
ImageA332-TUN-TSIFM-YUL14sep19 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

And that was it, time to fly back home after a week.

You can see all pictures at ... 1137943083 (Friday the 13th) or ... 1135362982 (Saturday the 14th).

Overall I liked my time at Montreal. Good spotting locations, nice variety of traffic and of course cool to catch two flying B737-200s!

Cheers! :wave:
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Re: Montreal-Trudeau 13 & 14-09-2019

Post by EC »

Some nice catches in there!

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