Prestwick 26/8/19 Mil & Civ

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Prestwick 26/8/19 Mil & Civ

Post by dconnery1966 »

Went down to get the USMC Ospreys going out on another training mission and another some other nice visitors as well anyway
here is what I got :D
ImageUSMC MV-22B 168347 EM15 by DOUGLAS CONNERY, on Flickr
ImageUSMC MV-22B 168626 EM07 by DOUGLAS CONNERY, on Flickr
ImageUSMC MV-22B 168347 EM15 by DOUGLAS CONNERY, on Flickr
ImageUSMC MV-22B 168626 EM07 by DOUGLAS CONNERY, on Flickr
ImageUSMC MV-22B 168626 EM07 by DOUGLAS CONNERY, on Flickr
ImageUSMC MV-22B 168347 EM15 by DOUGLAS CONNERY, on Flickr
ImageGerman AF Global 5000 14+02 by DOUGLAS CONNERY, on Flickr
ImageGerman AF Global 5000 14+02 by DOUGLAS CONNERY, on Flickr
ImageRAF ATLAS A-400 ZM412 by DOUGLAS CONNERY, on Flickr
ImageUSAFE C-21A 84-0126 by DOUGLAS CONNERY, on Flickr
ImageCargolux B747-400 LX-WCV by DOUGLAS CONNERY, on Flickr
ImageRyanair B737-700 EI-SEV by DOUGLAS CONNERY, on Flickr
ImageCoastguard Rescue AW-189 G-MCGT by DOUGLAS CONNERY, on Flickr
Dougie :D
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Re: Prestwick 26/8/19 Mil & Civ

Post by janneman36 »

This second set of the Osprey’s is exactly what you needed Dougie..
Great set :D
spotting is just like fishing only less slippery.....
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Re: Prestwick 26/8/19 Mil & Civ

Post by dconnery1966 »

janneman36 wrote:This second set of the Osprey’s is exactly what you needed Dougie..
Great set :D
Thanks mate 3rd time lucky for me :respect:
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